WTI rallied yesterday alongside the depreciation of the USD against EUR. But it appears that it is slowing down. The price of WTI appreciated by nearly 4 points, starting at 85.848 USD and reaching 89.72 USD.

The 9 day MA is still above 20 day MA, and the Upper and Lower Bands of the Bollinger Bands are wide open. But still, it is observable that the rally is slowing down, the bands are getting closer for the last 3 periods, while MACD's histogram is in decline for the past 6 periods. This might be an indicator that the bullish movement has stopped, or at least has slowed down significantly and the profit opportunities for the bears might be diminishing.

If the bullish movement continues, the price might try to surpass the Upper Band of the Bollinger Bands, which currently stays at 90.50, or, in the opposite scenario, it might try to attack it's previous low at 88.81

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Technical IndicatorsOilTrend AnalysisCrude Oil WTIWTI
