
ridethepig | XAG Market Commentary 2019.12.17

ridethepig アップデート済   
Here we can see price risks are still skewed to the topside, with CB's buying Gold at a rate unseen since the Nixon era meaning Silver will continue to move as collateral. Prices have trended in the same direction over the past 4 waves, the market appears to be underpricing the odds of future demand risks as well as a meaningful pick-up in risk due to completions and geopolitics.

The long term XAUXAG chart still looks to have formed a meaningful top so I expect to see Silver outperform Gold in 2020.

Here I stick to the $17 - $18 range and expect the metal to hit main targets within a 3m basis. Thanks all for keeping the support coming with likes, comments, questions, charts and etc. As usual jump into the comments with your ideas and views to open the discussion for all!
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達:
A flawless 5% move! Well done all those ending the year in style.

