1. John Kerry commented, "The transition to electric vehicles should be accelerated ...". We are about to enter a new green energy era.

2. Electric vehicles typically use two precious earth metals: gold and silver. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are believed to consume in the range of 25-50g of silver per vehicle ( silverinstitute org/silver-consumption-global-automotive-sector-approach-90-million-ounces-2025/)

3.The amount of silver used in solar panels can vary, but a fair average is about 20 grams. ( goldsilver com/blog/why-elon-musk-secretly-loves-silver/)

4. Gold increases the efficiency of solar panels. We know gold particles absorbs solar light more than any other element. google it.

They all want BTC to get the euphoria zone immediatly. Why? İ'll follow this bullish line in gold.

İt is not a financial advice, make your own decision.

