
2 parts to your wealth prosperity

dchua1969 アップデート済   
Thanksgiving and Christmas are round the corner and Covid-19 or not, people will be busy shopping for presents for their loved ones. This is also the time where some people begin to feel more generous than before and donate or give to the less privileged.

What's often misunderstood in the Prosperity equation is we must be generous in giving back to society. I agree with that but that is only half the equation.

The other half is the Law of Receiving. Too many of us are not quite open to this concept. If you are quite well to do, you would think to receive more is sinful as there are many who are suffering and thus you are rejecting what the Universe is offering. As such, you stay stagnant, neither poor nor wealthy. And that also means your giving is limited to what you have.

When you are receiving, it means that you are willing to accept it from the Universe. You are happy to accept gracefully and openly what comes to you. This can be receiving an idea, money from other sources, a promotion, career change, a new relationship, etc.

Have you heard of stories about colleagues whom you think are well qualified for the promotion but they rejected the offer ? Deep down, their subconscious mind is filled with fear and they do not believe they deserve the promotion. As such, opportunities can come knocking on your door but still it will not be received.

Our mind is the floodgate to receiving the gifts from God/universe and we must be careful what goes in and out of it . Read Proverbs 4.13

So look at how you spend your time will in some way tells you how well you are on the journey of prosperity. Are you spending time in office making idle talks, gossiping and finding ways to skip your responsibilities ? Are you the kind that gets excited when time to knock off comes ? Do you spend endless hours watching TVs than to use it wisely for self-improvement ?

Do you take time to look after your own health by doing exercises and watching what you eat ?

Trading and investment works the same way in the law of receiving as well. When you are open to it, in your mind, you would imagine a scene that you have earned the profits and feeling how relieved and happy you are. And what do you do with it ? You could share the ideas with more people, helping them to prosper as well. Or you took partial profits and buy something for your loved ones. You do not look at spending the profit money means you have lesser with you because you know and believe you would receive more , accept more from God/universe.

Look around yourself - are their friends whom you know are constantly giving to charities, religious organisation but their standard of living seems to stay the same ? And you could tell they wanted more , they prayed and prayed but somehow their prayers are not answered.

See it this way - they prayed for it and when God open their doors with opportunities (sometimes disguised as challenges), they dare not receive it, in fact they opposed it as they have fear and worries and limiting beliefs. They are afraid to upgrade , to be better off (when the world is undergoing recession), in short they do not think they deserve it.

How about you ? Do you deserve to make the profits you want in your trades/investment ? Why do others make 1000% or more during this Covid-19 period while others are still procrastinating if the market is going to crash ? Maybe they are lucky. And if luck means preparation meets opportunity , I would say they are mentally prepared to receive the gifts from God.

Open your mind, believe that God wants all his children to prosper , there are abundant money and resources to be shared amongst all of us. No need to worry if you make the 1000 profit and someone will lose on the other side. He will receive in kind or more in other ways blessed by God. At the same time, when you are prospering, do remember to give back. That way, the cycle is complete.
Like Gold and Silver, this Palladium too is suffering from correction. 2349 level proves to be a strong resistance level for it to overcome.Hold your fire if you want to buy or add more, wait for the price action to settle down .
Getting ready ammunition, once break up, time to go long
added more
Congrats to those who hanged on , patience pays off
