
Xrp becoming squeezed.. prepare ↕️

Come July 31st, Xrp will be tightly squeezed between 0.44 cents and 0.70 cents. This will force Xrp into a coming breakout with little to no room in the coming months. Deadline January where Xrp is headed towards a 0.55 cent price.

What I'm interested in is the coming breakout because of this tight squeeze. We know the Ripple case with the SEC is coming to an end possibly before October. Xrp is becoming highly squeezed between a hard place. Most likely never falling below 0.44 cents ever again come August 1st and with the ever increasing price squeeze for one of the biggest upwards anticipated breakout in the Xrp chart in years... things are getting super bullish!! 🚀🚀🚀
