
XVG on the dawn of a new Spike

XVG was, along it's fellow friends, going through a though phase lately. This might come to an end according to that old mathematician from 12th century, Fibonacci, or at least a spike.

The price benefited from a long trend without any big surprises. But what is even more interesting is the pattern in place since early December (the start of the rise). The price followed, a part from the trend, a series of spikes that are surprisingly (or not) similar one to the other. Next break might happend on the next Fibo time zone start.

Look out for any sign of rebound during the next Scotch RSI bump. It it follows the previous spikes it could rise quickly, but will also crash quickly right after.

On the longer hand, ignore those spikes and focus on the longer trend which as written on the graph, keep rising without resistance. But don't ignore the whole market who is currently under pressure due to south korean events and media pressure in general.

Analysis done by The Foil
09.01.2018 22:20 CET

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