
YM DOW FUTURES Still Range Bound Topping Pattern

travis18haney アップデート済   
CBOT_MINI:YM1!   ダウ先物ミニ(当限つなぎ足)
My long term thesis is an 18 month sell off back down to the monthly rising 200sma. My only concern is when is the market going to start. We are bumping up on the yearly up channel. My guess is it might take a couple of months to get going.

Short term we have the CPI report in 12 hours. My best speculation is that it will be bullish and choppy to hit the stops up high and the top of the bear flag. I notice it is a bullish pullback on declining volume.

Also, on the weekly chart, the 10 week rally that we had so far, is also on declining volume. The short sell off before it was on increasing volume. I also noticed that on the weekly, the 21ema is flat, range bound and not respected by price. This is indicating a flagging pattern or consolidation pattern.

Here on the monthly, the topping process is forming. When will it start? I have no clue. The market takes it time to build up before it starts moving. Here on the monthly, it is like watching paint dry

