
Mosasaur Pro Backtester

MegalodonTrading アップデート済   
Backtester indicator for Mosasaur ◬ | Comprehensive & Profitable Trading Setup Builder available for free here.
Scroll all the way down in the setting menu to adjust the backtesting strategy.
Current features:
This backtester has settings of:
  • Setting 1 lets user select the source for putting a buy order.
  • Setting 2 lets user select the source for putting a sell order.
  • Setting 3 defines how much percent user wants to risk per trade to buy.
  • Setting 4 defines maximum possible trades for buying.
  • Setting 5 lets user only buy with fractal bottom after a buy signal has been found.
  • Setting 6 lets user only sell with fractal top after a sell signal has been found.
  • Setting 7 lets user only buy if the pre defined time period has elapsed on the chart.
  • Setting 8 lets user only sell if the pre defined time period has elapsed on the chart.
  • Setting 9 lets user only buy with a strong buy signal (orange color).
  • Setting 10 lets user only sell with a strong sell signal (purple color).
  • Setting 11 defines the time period to be elapsed to trigger a buy.
  • Setting 12 defines the time period to be elapsed to trigger a sell.
Upcoming features:
  • Advanced pre-defined strategies for user to select from. This will also auto adjust the setups and time frames being combined.
  • Stop Loss and Stop to Trailing options for the strategy.
  • Stop Loss and Stop to Trailing alerts.
  • Defining risk/reward ratio before entering the trade.
Founder of Megalodon Indicators
New settings and isolator
New Settings and isolator update.

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