
RSI + MACD Strategy (ETHUSD 1D)

This script uses a combination of MACD, RSI and Stochastic RSI to find tops and bottoms with a ~70% profit rate. While it is successful with all of the top market coins, ETHUSD is by far showing the best results. It is fine tuned only for 1D charts, any other time interval results in losses. It's been tested with shorting as well, but longing + selling gives better returns.

Each market is slightly different, but backtests from October 2015 on Poloniex show almost 300,000%(!!) gains. While it is unlikely to produce such gains going forward (but who knows!), the profit rate is still much higher than buy–and–hold on any long-term backtests. As always, don't follow a script blindly and use your own best judgement when trading.


This script should be used for educational purposes only, and is not intended to provide trading advice. Use at your own risk!

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