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Yesterday, the US CPI was announced. It was reported at a higher level than expected, but the market continued to focus on details such as gasoline and housing costs, and there was little change in the outlook for the Fed's rate cut in June. Although there is a lack of indicators from Australia this week, price fluctuations are expected to continue due to US indicators.

- On March 14th, US retail sales for February and the Producer Price Index for February will be announced.

- On March 19th, there will be interest rate decisions in Australia and Japan.

- On March 21st, the FOMC results will be announced.

The AUDUSD chart is trending downward, but a short-term uptrend seems to be forming, indicating a desire to break the trend. However, it is necessary to wait for a move above the resistance level before being confident. Therefore, we need to first observe a short-term rise to the 0.67500 level to determine the direction.

Movements at the resistance zone can be seen in two ways:

Firstly, facing resistance at the 0.67500 level, retreating to the 0.62000 level.
Secondly, breaking through the 0.67500 level and rising to the 0.71000 level following a short-term buying trend.

These two movements are currently the most likely, and if there are any variables, we will consider adjusting the strategy.

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