CRYPTOCAP:BTC.D   Market Cap BTC Dominance, %
XRP is the car (elevation is price)
Bitcoin is the driver ($19,000/ATH wide awake - $11,700 fully asleep)
Bitcoin Dominance is the fuel tank (67% full tank - 25% fumes - 15% empty)

Big day of driving ahead, up to a mountain peak. Get your coffee so you’re alert and excited to start driving up the mountain.
Car gains elevation, you decide to stop for petrol early on. As the day goes on you keep an eye on your fuel tank and monitor your alertness level. Halfway through the day you decide to turn around and drive back to the rest station you just passed for a break and to get some more petrol. After the rest you decide to press on because its already getting dark and the road is getting more steep.
You know that you need to get to the top as soon as possible because the forecast is calling for heavy snow, so you decide to bypass any rest stations because you think you have enough fuel, and you don’t think you’ll fall asleep.
After a while you start to realize that you may not have enough fuel after all, but it’s closer to the top than to turn around to fuel up.
You can barely keep your eyes open, and you are almost out of fuel.
You make it to the top, thank goodness.
In the morning you realize its pretty cold at the top, so you decide to go back down into the valley for rest and to fuel up. Luckily you can cruise in neutral down the hill before getting to the petrol station.
After a while you realize there is an even bigger peak you want to summit...
