BUY signal at 9066.7$.
Timeframe - 1 day.

If you want to see more history of this strategy, I will able to show you if you request me.

You can use the signals independently or like indicator of trends together with other indicators in your trading strategy.
Know that the success of your strategy that based on those signals depends from your money management and the additional conditions that you make in these strategies.
You use these signals inside your strategies at your own risk.
The chart shows the last trades on the product + the last signal.

I have several strategies for different products, and I want to show you proof of it works on history, and you will be able to see it, when returns to that profile.
Therefore, subscribe and watch for that profile.
The signals rare but useful.
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達
Sell signal at 50.06 $
Timeframe - 1 week.
CGNX Take-Profit
Oh.. I've published incorrect link
Stop-lose 7954$
More accurate stop-lose 7889.7$
トレード終了: ストップロスに到達
Stop-lose 7889.7$
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCUSDcryptoCryptocurrencycryptotradercryptotradingGannTechnical IndicatorssignalssignalserviceTrend Analysis

