INDEX:BTCUSD   ビットコイン/米ドル
this spiral has been strong resistance so far so i wanted to share it.

never financial/trade advice...mostly documenting my learning/wondering/wandering process. i'm professional noob

but this is results of this thought blob
posting separately so i can find it more easily

summary: root 5 spiral made from vesica piscis (yas, literally "fish bladder", it sounds way more complicated/weirder than it is, it's srsly just two interlocked circles w/some key math/ geo properties) of circle made from 2017 tops. visually fit to tops and bottoms (these are all that same spiral!) but the current one happens to be centered at the .382 of the vesica piscis...iiiiiiiiinteresting. horizontal lines drawn above and under spirals, and at center. aka support, maybe

if this plays out the way april-july pullback, consolidation, and spring did, where the vertical tangent line called the time reversal, we'll exit this crab walk in late august/early september. don't ask me where bottom is according to this "method"... bc of wicks and TV's lacking precision with geo (also myself lacking precision rn lol).

but i put cross lines at all the places the spirals touched that late august vertical line - you can see the prices highlighted in white on the price axis

even if this DOES play out ( nfa ), ofc there can still be rallies/ranging within. and wicks. i'm too jaded and burnt out from crypto to care about those tho, truly. just want that htf (remember life before crypto? LOL) for my FOMO problem

financial advice: use stop loss, don't use leverage, take days off and remember that money isn't everything. your health and the people you love (and God) are the most important. love is the real currency

