
Jan 3 BTCUSD BingX Chart Analysis and Today's Headline

BingX’s Bitcoin Chart

Bitcoin rebounded after stepping back on the support of $16,000, but whether a bottom structure has been formed still needs further confirmation. If BTC continues to rally above the $18,000 resistance this week, the market’s optimism will rise further. We also need to watch the $16,000 support level. If BTC falls below this position, it means that Bitcoin's rebound has come to an end and the market will bottom out again.

Today’s Cryptocurrency Headline

Turkey to Use Blockchain-Based Digital Identities for Online Public Services

Citizens will be able to use blockchain-based digital identities to access e-wallet applications, Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay announced during the Digital Turkey 2023 event. Among them, E-Devlet, Turkey's digital government portal for accessing various public services, will use blockchain-based digital identities to verify Turkish citizenship during login.

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