

TVC:DXY   米ドルインデックス
The COVID-19 Pandemic was the feather that tipped the scale for the US Dollar, and Crypto Currency will be the "Coin" to break the Banking System. The U.S. Dollar has been plunging since the Gold Standard was removed by President Nixon in August 1971. The 2008 Financial Crisis was the warm up for what was yet to come. Although many bankers were bailed out by the Feds and the rich became richer, many citizens have yet to recover from the damage done. For the past (2) years, majority of the U.S. population has remained idled and stagnant due to COVID-19, all the while the Top 1% have used this time to capitalize and increased their net worth by $5.1 Trillion. The Federal Reserve has blindfolded the citizens with billions of dollars in "Stimulus Checks", Child Care Credits, and pumped more "Fake Money" into the economy in one year, than every other year in history combined. There is no such thing as a coincidence when referring to the government's strategies and tactics.

"The US government has been printing massive amounts of new money. On January 6, 2020, the US Federal Reserve had around $4 Trillion dollars. On January 4, 2021, the number increased to $6.7 Trillion dollars. Money is usually a medium of change to facilitate the sale, purchase, or trade of goods between buyers and sellers. However, since there is no productivity (good and services) to back up the trillions of dollars currently in circulation, printing more money doesn't necessarily increase the economic output (productivity), it only increases the amount of money circulating in the economy. The US 40% of US dollars in existence were printed in the last 12 months." - Nicki Louise; TechStartups.com

The Death of the Dollar will cause inflation to sky rocket, meanwhile 95% of the population will be surrendering their human rights to exist in the "Metaverse".

Invest in Crypto and Gold. Learn how to diversify quickly and as Robert Kiyosaki says "Buy Real Assets".
