
Ebay: Another company Amazon will put out of business

It is no secret that Amazon has taken the world by storm in the past few years as its market cap nears the unbelievable 1 trillion mark. Amazon now provides a service for nearly every demand you can think of. Food, retail products, shipping, a place to sell your goods/services, cloud services, etc. In the next few years, Amazon will probably increase its user base and put smaller companies out of business, such as Blue Apron, Barnes and Noble and Ebay.

Ebay is a great fundamental short. In the next few years, their annual revenue will decrease as they begin to lose money, inevitably going bankrupt due to Amazon's dominance. Technically, the chart tells the same story. Ebay recently announced terrible earnings, causing the stock to gap down hard. It has now fallen below all significant moving averages. The 50 day moving average (yellow line) also crossed below the 200 day moving average (blue line), a very bearish sign known as a death cross.

Due to the drastic recent decline, Ebay could be in for a short term bounce, but will continue to fall in the near and long term. I recently picked up Ebay puts with a break even price of $30 that expire January 18th. I would be astonished if they are not deep in the money by that time.

