
Eye on the red zone

WadeYendall アップデート済   
CME_MINI:ES1!   S&P500ミニ先物(当限つなぎ足)
Watching red zone and 4500. Would not be surprised at all to see a flush up through the red zone and rejection. Can't make any moves until price settles. Conversely a sharp drop could be bought up quickly. Best to not predict.
Just a steady push up through the red zone today. We will find out Monday if we get follow through. For now price action if very bullish with almost all sectors contributing. I sat on my hands today and it was hard, but I have learned not to trust Fridays. Although I am still expecting the market to take a break here and possibly pull back I always let price action decide. Lets see what next week holds.
4H look at price around the 4500 zone. Clearly seeing some weakness after running past it. Next week should give us some clues as to whether this is the beginning of significant correction or a routine pullback.

