

Im showing you what im seeing, not predicting the direction of the market. im looking for the next TOMO SEASON the bottom could be in based on what i see on the indicators and probably we are in the start of the accumulation moment. I draw 2 vertical lines one on the 13 of NOV and DIC becouse this coin accomplish month cycles (im based on the last run after each 13 the coin have change movement). Other thing to consider is that this coin have slowdown and long down trends thats the TOMO way but that was based on a BEAR MARKET CYCLE we are not on a bear market anymore. Other consideration is that i think than BTC is going down (Could be a fact that when BTC go down all the market do in most of the cases be carefull based on btc, other wise if TOMO outperform the majors downtrend it could be a rigth moment to be here.

Fundamental im bullish in long term becouse of TOMO P, LuaSwap for me is an idea at this moment but the team and Loung are hard workers, the adquisition on LIT was a good movement becouse insted of be a sidechain i think this guys want to enter in the Layer 2 race VS xDai, Matic, etc.

