

It does not take a degree in financial accounting to understand that TESLA is a dotcom era-like bubble unicorn, like UBER, SNAPCHAT and many others, that are being kept afloat by the world being awash with free money.

Companies, that can’t churn a profit for YEARS can’t be worth tens of billions.

It is a couple of years till Mercedes, BMW, Lexus and other car manufacturers hit the market with their mass produced electric vehicles. So I guess TESLA Is to be around till the next recession maximum, which is overdue big time.

The company is loosing money so fast that it
Will go belly up when the shit hits the fan globally.

Cult like Guru CEO Musk seems to be good at fantasy, yet can’t churn a dime of profit.

So I guess the world is for the rude awakening there.

Let’s see which one goes broke first. Tesla, Uber or some other Unicorn.

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