
Watch out for in-flight refueling of Bitcoin

The digital currency market doesn't have a lot of fundamentals to back it up, it's more of a chart hype, so the repeatability of history is extremely important. In the past week, we have seen the market in high volatility, although there are still continue to come out grayscale holdings of news, but the price is increasingly stagnant. In fact, any positive negative, but the trend in the synchronization of the amplification, and can not change the trend. If we look at the current trend, there has been no change in trend since I last suggested the MACD deadlock, and even the so-called record highs have not been bullish. In retrospect, similar situations also occurred in July 2019 and August 2020. When the price reconfirmed the high, no matter whether it reached a new high or not, the macD finally did not form a bullish trend, and then formed the in-flight refueling (reverse) trend, thus forming the stage top.

Of course, there is a probability that the chart will repeat itself, and we can't say which way it will go, but at least we need to stay alert and in awe of the market.

