
DepthHouse - Peak Momentum Oscillator

DepthHouse Peak Momentum Oscillator uses advance calculations of linear regression to help determine price momentum and momentum peaks.

How to read it:
The least opaque columns represent general momentum direction.
When these columns are above the zero line, generally there is more bullish momentum in the market.
When they are below the zero line, generally there is more bearish momentum in the market.
When these columns turn white, it means the price could be losing its bullish or bearish momentum.

The more transparent columns in the background represent the lead band, which reacts faster than the general momentum columns.
This could be used to as a leading indication of where the market could be heading.

Swap Momentum Bands option:
This option removes the white columns from the general momentum histogram and in turn only gives signals when strong momentum is present.

How to use this Indicator:
For 30 days from this release (9/20/18) this indicator will be free to use! Either leave a comment below or feel free to send me a PM

After the 30 days from the release you can still
try this indicator for FREE! Just leave a comment, or feel free to send me a PM

Creator of DepthHouse Indicators on TradingView!

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