
Market Analysis and Strategy of Mainstream Currencies on May 16

The BTC short-term 4-hour market has seen a slight rise and is currently under pressure at the 27,500 line. The third line of the KDJ indicator is currently turning slightly around the 70 axis. The red hollow kinetic energy column of the MACD organization department is increasing in volume. At present, there is still a rising trend. On May 15th, the K line of the daily line showed a positive K line. The market broke through the pressure of the MA7 average line. MA14 moving average pressure, on the whole: the short-term and daily lines are currently rebounding and rising, and the recommendation is to focus on low and long

27800--28000 Empty

27200--26800 more


1880--1930 Empty

1770--1790 more
The strategy is for reference only, there will be a real-time order today!

