
Bitcoin: 12HR Chart overview, Hidden BULLISH DIVERGENCE.

Wolf_Of_Amsterdam アップデート済   
BITSTAMP:BTCUSD   ビットコイン/米ドル
Bitcoin 12HR chart is looking quite interesting:

-Hidden bull div on 3 separate indicators
-Possible downtrend channel
-Possible triangle forming

Watch for a close above 3714 as confirmation of end of this current downtrend.

If we break the downtrend or horizontal support then check my weekly overview for possible scenarios
Weekly overview with labels:

12HR overview with labels:

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Missing chart from above comment:
(weekly overview with labels)
The triangle pattern looking invalid now.
We are still sitting on a support of a descending channel, if BTC holds 3500 we could push up to the top of the channel, Bull div is there.

meanwhile a break under the support and we are looking towards 3k again.

