

bitcoin アップデート済   
BITFINEX:BTCUSD   ビットコイン/米ドル
BTC got some intermediary support at 9.5K which is higher than previous 9.4K so I am expecting some bounce to the 30M MA50, with projected into future together with some Fibonacci shows it might happen at 10K. This is the the most important test after the instant crash where market will show if it will resume crashing or bounce even more.
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達:
BTC got as high as 10.1K followed by rejection on MA50 30M TF, it is now triangulating suggesting a second try to cross the MA50 will come:

BTC has the same pattern of yesterday where huge movement can go both sides. If it cross the MA50 it will get back to at least 10590 while going down there is no clear target but the first one would be just below the wall at 9.1K
Market got just below our first target of 9.1K going 9.0K and is going for a weak bounce. There is a new low on place.


