
WTI Monthly Update

Monthly Data Summary Suggests:

Current Monthly Trend (price relationship to the trend MA) is Bearish
The price relationship to the moving averages currently suggest Short positions.
Current chart score suggests that Bearish Sentiment is present.
The anticipated upcoming trade range is between 39.13 - 49.75
Price Consolidation has formed between: 66.58 - 42.40
If WTI is capable of maintaining the current strength as of today, the projection generated from the monthly chart is a target price of 36.95

The prices are moving with the Trending Moving Average at a standard pace with a moderate market
The RSI that monitors bullish strength has a current monthly reading of: Neutral Bear
The RSI that monitors bearish strength has a current monthly reading of: Bearish
The strength demonstrated over the last 5 months is currently: Bearish

Weekly Data Summary Suggests:

Current Weekly Trend (price relationship to the trend MA) is Bearish
The price relationship to the moving averages currently suggest Short positions.
Current chart score suggests that Bearish Sentiment is present.
The anticipated upcoming trade range is between 42.87 - 47.02
Prices have broken through the consolidation low
If WTI is capable of maintaining the current strength as of today, the projection generated from the weekly chart is a target price of 38.72
Out of the combined (weekly & daily) indicators monitored, 100.00% are bearish, 0.00% are bullish and 0.00% are neutral

The prices have moved 2.88 times the normal trade range from Trend Moving Average, a stall/decline may occur to return to the average.
The RSI that monitors bullish strength has a current weekly reading of: Bearish
The RSI that monitors bearish strength has a current weekly reading of: Bearish
The strength demonstrated over the last 5 weeks is currently: Bearish

Daily Data Summary Suggests:

Current Daily Trend (price relationship to the trend MA) is Bearish
The price relationship to the moving averages currently suggest Short positions.
Current chart score suggests that Bearish Sentiment is present.
The anticipated upcoming trade range is between 44.07 - 46.13
No Conolidation Exists at this time
If WTI is capable of maintaining the current strength as of today, the projection generated from the daily chart is a target price of 39.14

The prices have moved 6.13 times the normal trade range from Trend Moving Average, a stall/decline may occur to return to the average.
The RSI that monitors bullish strength has a current daily reading of: Bearish
The RSI that monitors bearish strength has a current daily reading of: Bearish
The strength demonstrated over the last 5 days is currently: Bearish

Monthly: 38.38 - 52.14
Weekly: 41.49 - 49.03
Daily: 43.44 - 47.09

** If data does not significantly change between trade dates, a daily update may be skipped. Monthly and Weekly updates will always be provided. **

