
Whatever WORX Right?

WORX stock tested a key FIb level on Wednesday being the 50 fib line after plotting the top anchor at the recent high the first time WORX busted above the 50 fib. Before this latest round of testing, the last time WORX reached this key level it was rejected heavily.

A few weeks ago, the company announced that it had regained compliance with the NASDAQ listing requirements. At the same time, it announced that Tim Hannibal, current COO, would become the new CEO. He stated that “over the last 10-15 years, technology within the healthcare industry has evolved both in cost and complexity. Unfortunately, the technology which was implemented within different hospital departments and with disparate objectives has failed to provide the promised advancements.” As a leader in providing software to healthcare institutions, there is a clear benefit that Scworx could gain from the pandemic’s current state and the ending of Covid-19. With all of this in mind, is WORX stock worth keeping an eye on?

Quote source and read more: 4 Epicenter Penny Stocks You Need to Know About in 2021

