robotrading bodyThis is a very simple and universal strategy. Good for crypto. For BTC/USD, shitcoin/BTC.
Long positions only. If the candle is falling and the candle body is 3 or more times the average candle body, then open a long position.
If the candle is rising, we should close a long position.
Short positions are not used.
This is a counter-trend strategy.
The average body of a candlestick is the arithmetic average of the bodies of the previous 100 bodies.
The multiplier is the number of times the candlestick body should be bigger than the average candlestick body to get a signal to open a long position.
- A timeframe of 4 hours to 1 day
- Cryptocurrencies with large market capitalization
- you can use coin/USD, coin/USDT, coin/BTC, coin/ETH, etc
DCA Bot Long/Short Thanks to @TheTradingParrot for the inspiration and knowledge shared.
Thanks to @ericlin0122 for the original DCA Bot Emulator which is the backbone of this strategy.
The script simulates DCA strategy with parameters used in 3commas DCA bots for futures trading. Experiment with parameters
to find your trading setup.
Beware how large your total leveraged position is and how far can market go before you get liquidated!
Do that with the help of futures liquidation calculators you can find online!
I`ve added:
1) an internal average price and profit calculating, instead of TV`s native one, which is subject to severe slippage.
2) I`ve built a graphic interface, so levels are clearly visible and back-test analyzing made easier.
3) now both Long & Short direction of the strategy exist.
4) trailing TP which was featured in the initial script has been removed because TV`s execution model makes
it impossible to know how the real world trailing would have unfolded.
5) the table is self explanatory, and it is there to help you discover what happened and where.
6) vertical colored lines appear when the new maximum deviation from the original price has
been reached
All the trading happens with total account capital, and all order sizes inputs are expressed in percent.
Known issues:
When deviation is small, and the same candle triggers safety AND the close order, the initial orders are closed, but a
new one opens on the next candle. This is "resolved" by closing the unwanted trade forcefully on the next candle, affecting
profit calculating minimally and guaranteeing that what should be closed has been closed.
The code could be improved through use of arrays, making the table flexible so the number of rows should be dynamic depending
on the number of SOs.
!!!!! IMPORTANT!!!!!
This strategy script is made to receive a signal from an exterior study script, which should plot +100 for long or -100 for short
entry (that is by default - values can be changed in the strategy settings menu). That plot should be found in "Enter Trigger" input
dropdown menu at the bottom of strategy settings menu. Removing the "and trigger == long/short_trigger" condition from strategy entry
conditions makes the strategy open trades ASAP.
Combo Backtest 123 Reversal & T3 Averages This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
This indicator plots the moving average described in the January, 1998 issue
of S&C, p.57, "Smoothing Techniques for More Accurate Signals", by Tim Tillson.
This indicator plots T3 moving average presented in Figure 4 in the article.
T3 indicator is a moving average which is calculated according to formula:
T3(n) = GD(GD(GD(n))),
where GD - generalized DEMA (Double EMA) and calculating according to this:
GD(n,v) = EMA(n) * (1+v)-EMA(EMA(n)) * v,
where "v" is volume factor, which determines how hot the moving average’s response
to linear trends will be. The author advises to use v=0.7.
When v = 0, GD = EMA, and when v = 1, GD = DEMA. In between, GD is a less aggressive
version of DEMA. By using a value for v less than1, trader cure the multiple DEMA
overshoot problem but at the cost of accepting some additional phase delay.
In filter theory terminology, T3 is a six-pole nonlinear Kalman filter. Kalman
filters are ones that use the error — in this case, (time series - EMA(n)) —
to correct themselves. In the realm of technical analysis, these are called adaptive
moving averages; they track the time series more aggres-sively when it is making large
moves. Tim Tillson is a software project manager at Hewlett-Packard, with degrees in
mathematics and computer science. He has privately traded options and equities for 15 years.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
Average Highest High and Lowest Low Swinger StrategyThis is a full price action strategy designed for trending markets such as crypto and stocks.
Its purely made on calculations for the highest high and lowest low using 2 different length , a faster and a slower one.
With those we make multiple averages.
Rules for entry:
For long: our close of the candle is above both the average using fast and slow line
For short: our close of the candle is below both the average using fast and slow line
Rules for exit
We always exit when we have an opposite order
This strategy use no risk management system, so be careful with it
If you have any questions, let me know
Combo Backtest 123 Reversal & Stochastic Crossover This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
First strategy
This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
Second strategy
This back testing strategy generates a long trade at the Open of the following
bar when the %K line crosses below the %D line and both are above the Overbought level.
It generates a short trade at the Open of the following bar when the %K line
crosses above the %D line and both values are below the Oversold level.
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
ICHIMOKU Crypto Swing StrategyThis is a crypto swing strategy designed for timeframes bigger than 1h.
The main components are
Average High
Average Low
Rules for entry
For long: we have the ichimoku crosses between tenkan and baselines, we have a rising kdj line and at the same time we have a increase in the average high
For short: we have the ichimoku crosses between tenkan and baselines, we have a falling kdj line and at the same time we have an increase in the average low
Rules for exit
We exit when we have inverse conditions than the initial ones used for entry.
This strategy does not use a risk management, so be careful with it !
If you have any questions let me know !
MACD + DMI Scalping with Volatility Stop by (Coinrule)Trend-following strategies are cool because they allow you to catch potential high returns.
The main limit of such strategies are:
False signals > the asset is not experiencing a strong trend. The strategy gets stuck with a sideways move or, worst, with the beginning of a downtrend.
The sell signal may come later than the actual top, leading in some cases to turn a trade in profit into a loss.
This strategy tries to address these limitations to develop a trading system that optimises the entry and closes trade once the profit achieves a pre-set level.
The trading system uses the MACD and the DMI to confirm when is the best time for buying. Combining these two indicators prevents trading during downtrends and reduces the likelihood of getting stuck in a market with low volatility.
The system confirms the entry when:
The MACD histogram turns bullish.
When the positive DMI is greater than the negative DMI, there are more chances that the asset is trading in a sustained uptrend.
The strategy comes with a fixed take profit combined with a volatility stop, which acts as a trailing stop to adapt to the trend's strength. Depending on your long term confidence in the asset, you can edit the fixed take profit to be more conservative or aggressive.
The position is closed when:
The price increases by 3%
The price crosses below the volatility stop.
The best time frame for this strategy based on our backtest is the 3-hr . The 4-hr can work well. In general, this approach suits medium to long term strategies
The strategy assumes each order to trade 30% of the available capital to make the results more realistic. A trading fee of 0.1% is taken into account. The fee is aligned to the base fee applied on Binance, which is the largest cryptocurrency exchange.
Swing Stock Market Multi MA Correlation This is a swing strategy adapted to stock market using correlation with either SP500 or Nasdaq, so its best to trade stocks from this region.
Its components are
Correlation Candle
Fast moving average to choose from SMA , EMA , SMMA (RMA), WMA and VWMA
Medium moving Average to choose from SMA , EMA , SMMA (RMA), WMA and VWMA
Slow moving average to choose from SMA , EMA , SMMA (RMA), WMA and VWMA
Rules for entry
Long: fast ma > medium ma and medium ma > slow ma
Short: fast ma< medium ma and medium ma < slow ma.
Rules for exit
We exit when we receive an inverse condition.
This strategy use no risk management inside, so be careful with it .
If you have any questions, let me know !
This script is only suggested for cryptocurrencies and weekly buying strategy which is long term.Using it in another markets(e.g forex,stock,e.t.c) is not suggested. The thing makes it different than other strategies we try to understand bull and bear seasons and buying selected crypto currency as using formula if weekly closing value crossover eight weeks simple moving avarage buy,else if selected crypto currency's weekly closing value crossunder eight weeks simple avarage sell. Eight week moving avarage is also uses weekly closing prices but for being able to use this strategy ,trading pair must have more than eight candles in weekly chart otherwise the 8 weeks simple moving avarage value cannot be calculated and script does not work.
This script has a chart called WBTS and it has following features:
Strategy group consist of 3 inputs:
1)Source: Close by default. Our whole strategy uses close values. You can change it but not suggested.
2)Loss Ratio: Because of the cases like the circumstances that manipulates market or high volatility , sometimes graphic show wrong buying signals and this ratio saves user from big money looses(Note : This ratio will always work when selling condition occurs to make user take his profit or prevent him to loss more money because of a wrong positive comes from the indicator.)
3)Reward Ratio : When selling condition happens it will exit user with more profit(if price is already higher than buying point) otherwise it will dimunish loss a bit(if user is below of buying point) or prevents looses(if user is in buying point when selling condition happened.
MA group consist of 2 inputs:
COLOR:Specifies color of the moving avarage.It is equal to #FF3232by hex color code by default.
LINE WIDTH: Specifies linewidth of the moving avarage. It is 2 by default.
GRAPHIC group consist of 2 inputs:
COLOR: It specifies the color of the line which consist of weekly closing prices. It is equal to #6666FF hex color code by default.
LINE WIDTH: Specifies linewidth of the line which consist of weekly closing prices. It is 2 by default.
STRATEGY EXECUTION YEAR: It will show the orders,profits and looses done by script after the input year giving in it.It is 2020 by default.
The last feature is strategy equity,it is not in one of these groups. User should click on settings button on the WBTS indicator than chose Style section and there is a deactivated check box near in the plot section if user activate it, the equity line will show in indicator's graph.
Logic of This Strategy:The story of this strategy began when I studied BTC's price movement from 2020 to today with 8 weeks simple moving avarage (it takes weekly closes as source) and weekly clossing values. I understood that there was a perfect interest between bull and bear market and following conditions:
and I tried same thing on the same and bigger time frames("for example i studied how the strategy works from the beginning to today with bitcoin and what is our final equity") with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and this made me saw better the relation between giving conditions and general market psychology, however I also witnessed some wrong positives coming by script and used a risk reward ratio to save user and set risk reward ratio 1/3 after a research.
For both conditions(buy_condition and sell_condition),when they are realised,script will alert users and an order will be triggered.
Before finishing the description,from settings/properties/ user can set initial capital,base currency,order size and type,but it is 100000 for initial_amount and 1 contract for order size by default.
In backtesting I used the options like the following example :
Initial capital=1000
Order size=40 USD
Properties place must set different by every single user according to his or her capital and order size must not be higher than his total money because this script is not the best or a good script for derivatives. It is only written for long term-crypto spot trading and I strongly recommend to users that margin may cause bad results and please do not use it with any margin or any market different than crypto market.
Thank you very much for reading)
RSI Centered PivotsJust a simple RSI central pivot strategy I made for a friend.
Backtested on BYBIT:BTCUSD, 155m.
DISCLAIMER : Please do your own research into anything you use before using it to trade.
MarketGod for Tradingview(strategy)Fully Open Source Tv Market God Strategy. Good Luck
Strategy Description
MarketGod can be applied to any market, with any time-frame associated to it. The signals relay the alert at the close of the period, and the painted alert is then available to users to see on the chart or even set notifications for via tradingview's alert system. We recommend that users implement marketgod on their preferred time frames for trading, which for us is the 1h, 4h, 6h, 1D and above TFs.
MarketGod Versioning
The versions included with this release are the following
MarketGod v1
MarketGod v2
MarketGod v3
MarketGod v4
MarketGod v5
MarketGod v6
MarketGod v7
MarketGod v8
Ichimoku God
Suggested Uses
• MarketGod will inevitably produce false positives. We've taken steps to reduce this but we highly suggest you add this as a component of your strategy, not an end all be all
• That said, please do not feel the need to fire a trade based solely on a marketgod signal, or to every signal it fires.
• MarketGod users should backtest their strategy using OHLC candles for best results
• Heikin Ashi candles were recomended in the past, and we have eliminated the need for them, meaning that traditional candlestick inputs will yield the highest results.
• MarketGod will always give stronger alerts on higher TF's. If the 1-Day has fired a given signal and the 30 min or similar fire the opposite signal, know that the overall trend is still likely downward. Same concept applies to all timeframes on this tool.
Adjusting the Filter Settings
This tool has a noise filter for users to adjust.
The filter is a percentage based calculation, between significant points in time. The filter ranges between .5 and 25, with .5 increments
• For lower TFs ( IE Intraday), keep the filter set between .5-5
• Mid-TFs (4H,6H,12H,1D), the recommended range is between 5.5-10
• Higher TFs (3D and Higher), look for approx 11-20 range
Customize the indicator by adjusting the colors in the style pane. Additionally, users can change the plots into labels with the price of close added to them, or a few other label text options, listed in the 'inputs' panel, below the filter adjustments. Users can also opt to turn the strategy orders as well, as this version will have them printed.
Strategy Performance Interpretation
Its important to understand the only metric that should be relevant is not the win %, as many may initially think. Alternatively, the only metric that matters in the end is your take home profit... meaning the profit one fees and taxes are accounted for. In our example here, the % brought back since the beginning of our window of 2018 is around 47% for $10,000 initial capital and 10% traded per position. Many are ignorant to the take home profit aspect as they focus solely on the winning %, which is ultimately incorrect approach to trading as a whole. as long as we maintain +30% (our goal minimum), the outcome being in the green, is our goal.
ST_greed_spot_exampleA simple grid long strategy. The first entry into the transaction is carried out according to the "double bottom" pattern, then when the average entry price decreases by a certain percentage, the position is completed. Dobor is always carried out for the same amount of funds. Take profit with an increase in the average entry price for a given volume
Macd Divergence + MTF EMA MACD Divergence + Multi Time Frame EMA
This Strategy uses 3 indicators: the Macd and two emas in different time frames
The configuration of the strategy is:
Macd standar configuration (12, 26, 9) in 1H resolution
10 periods ema, in 1H resolution
5 periods ema, in 15 minutes resolution
We use the two emas to filter for long and short positions.
If 15 minutes ema is above 1H ema, we look for long positions
If 15 minutes ema is below 1H ema, we look for short positions
We can use an aditional filter using a 100 days ema, so when the 15' and 1H emas are above the daily ema we take long positions
Using this filter improves the strategy
We wait for Macd indicator to form a divergence between histogram and price
If we have a bullish divergence, and 15 minutes ema is above 1H ema, we wait for macd line to cross above signal line and we open a long position
If we have a bearish divergence, and 15 minutes ema is below 1H ema, we wait for macd line to cross below signal line and we open a short position
We close both position after a cross in the oposite direction of macd line and signal line
Also we can configure a Take profit parameter and a trailing stop loss
Pivot Reversal Strategy + alerts via TradingConnector to indicesSoftware part of algotrading is simpler than you think. TradingView is a great place to do this actually. To present it, I'm publishing each of the default strategies you can find in Pinescript editor's "built-in" list with slight modification - I'm only adding 2 lines of code, which will trigger alerts, ready to be forwarded to your broker via TradingConnector and instantly executed there. Alerts added in this script: 14 and 22.
How it works:
1. TradingView alert fires.
2. TradingConnector catches it and forwards to MetaTrader4/5 you got from your broker.
3. Trade gets executed inside MetaTrader within 1 second of fired alert.
When configuring alert, make sure to select "alert() function calls only" in CreateAlert popup. One alert per ticker is required.
Adding stop-loss, take-profit, trailing-stop, break-even or executing pending orders is also possible. These topics have been covered in other example posts.
This routing works for Forex, indices, stocks, crypto - anything your broker offers via their MetaTrader4 or 5.
Disclaimer: This concept is presented for educational purposes only. Profitable results of trading this strategy are not guaranteed even if the backtest suggests so. By no means this post can be considered a trading advice. You trade at your own risk.
If you are thinking to execute this particular strategy, make sure to find the instrument, settings and timeframe which you like most. You can do this by your own research only.
Consecutive Up/Down Strat + alerts via TradingConnector to ForexSoftware part of algotrading is simpler than you think. TradingView is a great place to do this actually. To present it, I'm publishing each of the default strategies you can find in Pinescript editor's "built-in" list with slight modification - I'm only adding 2 lines of code, which will trigger alerts, ready to be forwarded to your broker via TradingConnector and instantly executed there. Alerts added in this script: 12 and 15.
How it works:
1. TradingView alert fires.
2. TradingConnector catches it and forwards to MetaTrader4/5 you got from your broker.
3. Trade gets executed inside MetaTrader within 1 second of fired alert.
When configuring alert, make sure to select "alert() function calls only" in CreateAlert popup. One alert per ticker is required.
Adding stop-loss, take-profit, trailing-stop, break-even or executing pending orders is also possible. These topics have been covered in other example posts.
This routing works for Forex, indices, stocks, crypto - anything your broker offers via their MetaTrader4 or 5.
Disclaimer: This concept is presented for educational purposes only. Profitable results of trading this strategy are not guaranteed even if the backtest suggests so. By no means this post can be considered a trading advice. You trade at your own risk.
If you are thinking to execute this particular strategy, make sure to find the instrument, settings and timeframe which you like most. You can do this by your own research only.
Dual MACD StrategyThis strategy Multi Time Frame Macd Indicator
We take the first long position when we have a buy signal in Weekly Macd (Macd line crosses above Signal line). This open a trading window, showed with green background color
We close the first position when either Weekly or Daily Macd give us a sell signal ((Macd line crosses below Signal line))
Enable Profit and Stop in strategy settings with different percentage to backtest the strategy. Also if it is better to use a Traditional Stop Loss or a Trailing Stop Loss based on a percentage from low prices
Change macd resolution in settings for other time frames to test the strategy
This Strategy was tested on Crypto Market with good results in assets as BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, LTC, XLM, BCH, among others
SQZ Multiframe StrategyThis is a first attempt to automate what my current strategy when trading is.
It uses 2 timeframes: the one you are currently using to see the chart and an "anchor trend" which is a higher order frame.
Supported timeframes are: 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1H, 4H, 1D, 1W
The Strategy relies on two indicators:
Squeeze Momentum Indicator
How does it works?
It looks for a moment when the following conditions are met.
For Long:
Positive directionality in SQZM monitor in anchor timeframe
Positive directionality in SQZM monitor in current timeframe
Recent minimum in CMF
For Short:
Negative directionality in SQZM monitor in anchor timeframe
Negative directionality in SQZM monitor in current timeframe
Recent maximum in CMF
After a BUY or SELL order is executed the plot will start showing two lines: A TP line, and a SL line.
The TP and SL move dynamically based on a greedy algorithm based on 3 input parameters.
Min Profit to Start Moving SL (%): Sets an initial target for the trade.
Maximum Possible of SL (%): This is the maximum amount possible for SL. If volatility is not too high, a shorter SL will be chosen based on Kaufman's Stops method
Take profit factor: Is how much portion of the target I am taking as profit once the target is reached
Example for 5% Min profit:
When the first target is reached (+5%), the SL will be updated to 2.5% over the enter price.
When the second target is reached (+10%), the SL will be updated to 5% over the enter price.
Note: The strategy might abandon the position prematurely if a contrary signal is received while the trade is opened, and will change direction.
The Strategy has been backtested mostly for crypto. It might be good for stocks too, but the parameters mentioned might need some adjustments since price moves at a different rate.
Recommended timeframe is 4H for BTC , and 30min/1H for alts.
Comments and ideas are more than welcome!
Qullamaggie Breakout V2After publishing the Qullamaggie Breakout script and seeing that it had some decent results, I wanted to explore it a bit further. There were a few things I didn't like about that methodology that didn't really jive with the way I like to trade. So what I did was combined the Breakout Trend Follower strategy I had been using for entries with the Qullamaggie strategy for trailing stops once in profit. The results seem pretty good to me and an approach that fits my personality and something I can actually trade. Typically better profit than the Breakout Trend Follower by giving more room for your winners to run, while still protecting your entries by moving up the trailing stop until you are in profit, all while taking less trades, so that's great.
Everything is done with stop orders. So you set your buy stop at the recent swing high point and wait for a breakout. Once in a position you set your sell stop at the recent swing low point. The most recent swing high and low are shown on the chart for easy reference with the blue and orange horizontal lines. Once in a trade, trail your sell stop after a new swing low is registered (shown by the thicker orange stop line). Once you are in profit, leave that hard stop level there (the orange line will stay there helping you). Now, you wait for price to cross a Moving Average of your choosing (default is Daily 10 MA). Once the bar crosses that moving average, you move your stop to the low of that candle (shown by the blue stop line) and trail your stop along every crossing of the moving average until the trend changes and takes out your stop. So managing this trade is pretty easy...just wait for the stop lines to move and move your stop with them. It's a great way to trade when you can't be at your computer all the time because the stop orders take care of execution on both buy and sell side. If you use a daily timeframe for your moving averages (the default), you really only need to move stops around about once a day, so is a good part time trader's strategy in my opinion.
The best opportunities will come by scanning for stocks in the longer term timeframe of your moving averages. Wait for a consolidation on that timeframe so the anticipated breakout has some room to run. Once you've identified a good candidate, zoom in to your lower timeframe where the swing highs/lows will act as your entry and exit points, all while keeping the moving averages consistent between timeframes.
Hope you guys find it useful.
A few options available:
- Choose any timeframe for your moving averages, while using swing high/low points on intraday charts.
- Choose one of two moving averages shown for your trailing stops (default 10 and 20 MA).
- Choose to use the third moving average as a filter for keeping you out of trades that are below it (trading with the trend).
- Use the charts resolution candle or the moving average resolution candle for the moving average trailing stop.
- Only take trades where your buy level minus stop level is below a % of the Average Daily Range (ADR). This allows you to potentially have better risk/reward. I added a little table that shows the ADR of the stock/ticker as well as the range between the recent buy and sell levels (shown by the orange and blue horizontal lines) for easy reference.
Optimized Keltner Channels SL/TP Strategy for BTCThis strategy is optimized for Bitcoin with the Keltner Channel Strategy, which is TradingView's built-in strategy. In the original Keltner Channel Strategy, it was difficult to predict the timing of entry because the Buy and Sell signals floated in the middle of the candle in real time. This strategy is convenient because if the bitcoin price hits the top or bottom of the Keltner Channel and closes the closing price, you can enter Buy or Sell at the next candle start price. In addition, this strategy provides Stop Loss and Take Profit functions to maximize profit.
Recommended settings are below.
- length: 9
- multiplier: 1
- source: close
- (v) Use EMA
- Bands Style: Average True Range
- ATR Length: 19
- Stop Loss (%): 20
- Take Profit (%) : 20
- length: 9
- multiplier: 1
- source: close
- (v) Use EMA
- Bands Style: Average True Range
- ATR Length: 18
- Stop Loss (%): 20
- Take Profit (%) : 5
▶ Usefulness and Originality
- Stop Loss and Take Profit functions are available
- Convenient Buy and Sell entry compared to the original Keltner Channel Strategy
- Optimized for BTCUSD market (maximizing profits)
이 전략은 TradingView의 Built-in 전략인 Keltner Channel Strategy를 비트코인에 맞게 최적화되었습니다. 기존의 Keltner Channel Strategy는 Buy, Sell 신호가 캔들 중간에 실시간으로 떠서 진입 시점을 예측하기 어려운 불편함이 있었지만 이 전략은 비트코인 가격이 Keltner Channel 상단 혹은 하단을 찍고 종가를 마감하면 그 다음 캔들 시작가에서 Buy 혹은 Sell 진입이 가능하여 편리합니다. 또한, 이 전략은 Keltner Channel을 만나서 캔들을 마감한 가격 (bprice, sprice)을 시각적으로 plot을 제공하여 타점 및 차트를 보기에 편리하며 손절가 및 목표가를 지정한 백테스팅이 가능합니다.
RebalancingThis script gives you an approximation of the APR you can get when using the technique of Rebalancing.
Further discription are embeded in the script.
- Start date: Choose start date
- Settings: Change settings to your own needs
- Base currency: Select Base currency
- Portfolio: Select the coins (MAX 9 pcs.) you want to use in your portfolio for the rebalancing algoritm
- Click "Data Window" to see the APR (appr.)
It can be used to all markets.
Some Exchanges don't go very far back in the past and for this reason this may have impact on this Indicator.
Make sure the coins you selected are available at the Exchange you select in the settings section. If you dont do this, the script generates an error.
Strategy Template - V2This is an educational script created to demonstrate few basic building blocks of a trend based strategy and how to achieve different entry and exit types. My initial intention was to create a comprehensive strategy template which covers all the aspects of strategy. But, ended up creating fully fledged strategy based on trend following.
This is an enhancement on Strategy-Template But this script is comparitively more complex. Hence I decided to create new version instead of updating the existing one.
Lets dive deep.
TREND BIAS - This defines the direction of trend. Idea is not to trade against the trend direction. If the bias is bullish, look for long opportunities and if bias is bearish, look for short opportunities. Stay out of the market when the bias is neutral.
Often, trend bias is determined based on longer timeframe conditions. Example - 200 Moving Average, Higher timeframe moving averages, Higher timeframe high-lows etc. can be used for determining the trend bias.
In this script, I am using Weekly donchian channels combined with daily donchian channels to define trend bias.
Long Bias - 40 Day donchian channel sits completely in upper portion of 40 Week dochnial channel.
Short Bias - 40 Day donchian channel sits completely in lower portion of 40 Week donchian channel.
ENTRY CONDITION - Entry signals are generated only in the direction of bias. Hence, when in LongBias, we only get Long signals and when in short bias, we only get short signals.
In our case, when in Long Bias - if price hits 40 day high for the first time, this creates our long entry signal. Similarly when in Short Bias , price hitting 40 day low will create signal for going short. Since we do not take trades opposite to trend, no entry conditions are formed when price hits 40 day high in Short Bias or 40 day low in Long Bias.
EXIT CONDITION - Exit conditions are formed when we get signals of trend failure.
In our case, when in long trade, price hitting 40 day low creates exit signal. Similarly when in short trade price hitting 40 day high creates exit signal for short trade.
In this script, I have tried to demonstrate different entry and exit types.
Entry types
Market - Enter immediately when entry signal is received. That is, in this case when price crossover over high in long bias and crosses under low in short bias
Stop - This method includes estimating at what level new highs are made and creating a stop buy order at that level. This way, we do not miss if the break out is stronger. But, susciptible to fail during fakeouts.
Limit - This method includes executing a limit order to buy at lower price or sell at higher price. In trend following methods, downside of limit order is when there is genuine breakout, these limit orders may not hit and during trend failures the limit orders are likely to hit and go straight to stop.
Stop-Limit - this is same as stop order but will also place a limit condition to avoid buying on overextended breakout or with lots of slippage.
Exit types
Market - whether to keep the existing trade running or whether to close it is determined after close of each bar and exit orders are executed manually upon receiving exit signal.
Stop - We place stop loss orders beforehand when there is a trade in place. This can help in avoiding big movements against trade within bar. But, this may also stop on false signals or fakeouts.
Take profit
Stop - No take profits are configured.
Target - 30% of the positions are closed when take profit levels are hit. Take profit levels are defined by risk reward.
As mentioned earlier, I intended to create a fully fledged strategy template. But, ended up creating a fully fledged stratgy. However, you can take some part of this code and use it to start your own strategy. Will explain what all things can be adopted without worrying about the strategy implementation within
Strategy definition : This can be copied as is and just change the title of strategy. This defines some of the commonly used parameters of strategy which can help with close to realistic backtesting results for your coded strategy and comparison with buy and hold.
Generic Strategy Parameters : The parameter which defines controlling alllowed trade direction and trading window are present here. This again can be copied as is and variable inDateRange can be directly used in entry conditions.
Generic Methods : f_getMovingAverage and f_secureSecurity are handy and can be used as is. atr method provideded by pine gives you ATR based on RMA. If you want SMA or any other moving average based ATR, you can use the method f_getCustomAtr
Trade Statements : This section has all types of trading instructions which includes market/stop/limit/stop-limit type of entries and exits and take profit statements. You can adopt the type of entry you are interested in and change when condition to suit your strategy.
Trade conditions and levels : This section is required. But, cannot be copied. All the trade logic goes here which also sets parameters which are used in when of Trade Statements.
Hope this helps.
Keltner Channel - Trend Based StrategyThis strategy is based on 3 main indicators.
1st indicator is a trend indicator, which consists of SMA and EMA
2nd is Keltner Channel
3rd is DM indicator.
The conditions for the entry of this strategy are following:
First of all the assets need to be in an upward trend, this will occur when the EMA will cross SMA. The next condition for the entry is the opening and the closure of the candle. The open price of the candle should be in the upper part of the Keltner Channel and the close price should be above the Keltner channel. The third condition for the DM indicator is to be above a certain benchmakr. This benchmark can be set in the settings of the strategy.
The strategy has two potential Take Profit levels and single stop-loss levels. For the more efficient way you may try an use the trailing stop or extend the number of take-profit levels.
Advanced OutSide with HMA and Klinger Forex Swing strategyThis is a swing forex strategy, adapted for big timeframes, such as 4h+.
For this example I adapted the strategy to EUR USD main forex pair.
Its components are:
Outside condition
Klinger Oscillator
Hull moving average
Rules for entry
For long: if current high is bigger than previous high and current is smaller than previous low and klinger is positive, close of the candle is above lsma and we have a bull candle.
For short: if current high is smaller than previous high and current is bigger than previous low and klinger is negative, close of the candle is below lsma and we have a bear candle.
Rules for exit
We exit when we have a reverse condition
We exit in case we hit the tp/sl based on % movement of the price.
If you have any questions, let me know !