
Buy limit on BITCOIN. Adapt or die.

snipertariy アップデート済   
BITFINEX:BTCUSD   ビットコイン/米ドル
Market was exhausted for buy momentum. The juicy 7450 region is perfect for buy orders and stop hunt for buyers. This pair usually kill all the new traders that came for easy money. Stop hunt done. Now we wait for structure. Looking for a doji in my regions. Beautiful setups bitcoin are giving us this year. Happy profit traders.
You can see in my related idea that this same structure happen months ago, panicking the public for closing their positions & later the market fly.
"Im not here to be right, im here to make money consistently"
Trade already in profit, Adjust your stop losses the market is very choppy finding the next big move.
トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達:
First target reach, second one im gonna put the stop loss in break even. Be cautious.
