
Strifor || GBPUSD-Week Starting

Viktor_strifor_analyst アップデート済   
FX:GBPUSD   ポンド/米ドル
Preferred direction: BUY
Comment: The British pound continues to be the most promising major currency pair to rise amid so much accumulated selling. Here, we continue to adhere to the previous plan, and events strictly develop according to scenario №2. The growth target is the level of 1.28000, or more precisely the area near it, since most likely, as part of a long-term retest of the resistance at the level of 1.28000, the price will rebound downwards.
It should be noted that the long-term prospects for the British currency will most likely develop above the level of 1.28000.

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⚡️New short-term idea for GBPUSD⚡️

トレード終了: 利益確定目標に到達

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