
Massive Dump Incoming! XRP Headed to 0.05 cent!

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great day! Lets start by taking a look at XRP, and talk about why I think its going to 0.05 cent. First reason is, regulation, no government in their right mind is going to let xrp/ripple come in and disrupt their central banks entire payment processing current operation (dollars/swift), its just not going to happen in this day and age. Instead of using xrp/ripple, they will continue to use dollars/swift and just modernize the processing to be instantaneous. Second reason is, inflation , xrp is highly inflated and many people holding billions of coins in wallets ready to dump at a moments notice, remember Jed McCaleb? Third reason is, TRANSPARENCY, xrp/ripple has never been audited legitimately, so we do not technically know who exactly owns all the top wallets, according to an analysis performed by BITMEX, Ripple has been unable to retrieve the first 32,570 blocks from the Ripple ledger and none of the nodes could repair or obtain the data. This means that Ripple cannot a complete an audit of their blockchain, nor a transactional analysis of the 100 billion XRP coins. So therefore, xrp/ripple claims it can never be audited, therefore basically can never be trusted by any major organization or corporation, so it will simply be left in the dust. Whether you agree or disagree, please leave a comment below letting me know either way!

