比較チャート ~東証33業種~ 比較チャートは今まで為替だったり、ドル円と日経225だったりしましたが、
水産・農林業 FAF
鉱業 MIN
建設業 CON
食料品 FD
繊維製品 TXA
パルプ・紙 PAP
化学 CAF
医薬品 PHR
石油・石炭製品 OAC
ゴム製品 RBP
ガラス・土石製品 GAC
鉄鋼 IAS
非鉄金属 NM
金属製品 MP
機械 MC
輸送用機器 TOPIXT
精密機器 PI
その他製品 OP
電気・ガス業 EPG
陸運業 LT
海運業 MT
空運業 AT
倉庫・運輸関連 WHT
情報・通信業 COM
卸売業 WT
小売業 RT
証券、商品先物取引業 SEC
保険業 INS
その他金融業 OFB
不動産業 RE
サービス業 SVS
グロース:インフレヘッジ:インカム = 32:10:58
ZigZagストラテジーをつくる⑪|ロジックを精査するここからは、TradingViewでは投稿できない範囲の話になる(TradingViewでは5分足の投稿を掲載できず、検証も2ヶ月分だけです)ので、テキストのみになります。ご了承くださいm(_ _)m
まず、depth:6 くらいが良いと思っていたZigZagの計算値ですが、5分足だと10以上の方が圧倒的に収益が良いです。
なんともすごい偶然ですが、depth:6が良い成績になるのは今の期間がたまたま "そう" なだけで、長期的には10以上の方が収益が良いし安定しています。
収益は、期待値 ✕ 取引回数 なので、期待値(勝率)が改善しても取引回数が少なくなってしまってはまったく意味がないんですね。
< 裁量トレード >
< 自動売買 >
収益は、「期待値(優位性)✕ 取引回数」ですから、
私が "自動売買+5分足" にしたのは、
自動売買をするなら "取引回数が多い方が有利" なんです。
これが "丁度良いポイント" なんだろうなと
「人間の心理とか経済活動にもとづいた "値動きのクセ" 」
ドル円 30分足
Percent Of Unit Value:0.1
Entry Window:0.236
TP (Take Profit):0.618
SL (Stop Loss):-0.618
できる範囲でお答えしたいと思いますm(_ _)m
// 損切り幅を算出
range = abs( close - target01_sl )
//「1トレードに当てる資金 / 損切り幅」で取引量を算出
// 同時に、round( 取引量 /lot ) * lot で取引単位(1000通貨等)に四捨五入してる
amount = round( unit_value / range / lot ) * lot
max_amount = floor( ( balance - unit_value * 1.1 ) / ( close / reverge ) )
まず、「close / reverage」で1通貨あたりの証拠金を求めます。
「balance / 1通貨の証拠金」とすれば良いですね。
「balance - unit_value * 1.1」を算出したりしています。
※ コピペする場合は以下の変更を行ってください
strategy( title='ZigZag PA Strategy 勉強中', shorttitle='S', overlay=true, pyramiding=0, initial_capital=100000 )
dev_threshold = input( title="Deviation (%)", type=input.float, defval=0, minval=0, maxval=100 )
depth = input( title="Depth", type=input.integer, defval=6, minval=1, maxval=10 )
//* depth -> length -> zero
//* lengthが最高値・最安値であるかを確認
//* trueならbar_indexと価格を返す
pivots(src, length, isHigh) =>
p = nz(src[length])
if length == 0
[bar_index, p]
isFound = true
for i = 0 to length - 1
if isHigh and src[i] > p
isFound := false
if not isHigh and src[i] < p
isFound := false
for i = length + 1 to 2 * length
if isHigh and src[i] >= p
isFound := false
if not isHigh and src[i] <= p
isFound := false
if isFound and length * 2 <= bar_index
[bar_index[length], p]
[int(na), float(na)]
[iH, pH] = pivots( high, floor(depth / 2), true )
[iL, pL] = pivots( low, floor(depth / 2), false )
// 変化率を算出する関数
calc_dev(base_price, price) =>
100 * (price - base_price) / base_price
// 前回のpivotの情報を格納
var line lineLast = na // lineのid (実際はidではなく識別している何か)
var float pLast = 0 // price
var bool isHighLast = true // High か Low か
var int linesCount = 0
var bool isNewPivot = false
// pivotを確認する関数
pivotFound(dev, isHigh, price) =>
if linesCount == 0
[line(na), isHigh, true]
if abs(dev) >= dev_threshold
[line(na), isHigh, true]
[line(na), isHighLast, false]
// 描画処理
if not na(pH) and not na(pL) and pH == pL
dev1 = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id2, isHigh2, isNew2] = pivotFound(dev1, true, pH)
if isNew2
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh2
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pH
dev2 = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id1, isHigh1, isNew1] = pivotFound(dev2, false, pL)
if isNew1
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh1
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pL
if not na(pH)
dev1 = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id, isHigh, isNew] = pivotFound(dev1, true, pH)
if isNew
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pH
if not na(pL)
dev2 = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id, isHigh, isNew] = pivotFound(dev2, false, pL)
if isNew
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pL
// 追加箇所
zigzag = pLast[1]!=pLast ? pLast : na
plot( zigzag ,color=color.red ,linewidth=3 ,title='zigzag' ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
bgcolor( isHighLast ? color.gray : color.white ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
// ジグザグが発生したときのジグザグの値を取得
float x = na
float a = na
float b = na
float c = na
float d = na
exist_zigzag = not na( zigzag ) and not isHighLast==isHighLast[1]
repaint = not na( zigzag ) and isHighLast==isHighLast[1]
x := exist_zigzag ? a[1] : x[1]
a := exist_zigzag ? b[1] : a[1]
b := exist_zigzag ? c[1] : b[1]
c := exist_zigzag ? d[1] : c[1]
d := exist_zigzag ? zigzag
: not repaint ? d[1]
: isHighLast and pLast > pLast[1] ? zigzag
: not isHighLast and pLast < pLast[1] ? zigzag
: d[1]
showPatterns = input( true, title='Show Patterns' )
showFib0000 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0236 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.236:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0382 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.382:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0500 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.500:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0618 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.618:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0764 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.764:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib1000 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 1.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
fib_range = abs(d-c)
fib_0000 = not showFib0000 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.000 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.000 )
fib_0236 = not showFib0236 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.236 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.236 )
fib_0382 = not showFib0382 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.382 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.382 )
fib_0500 = not showFib0500 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.500 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.500 )
fib_0618 = not showFib0618 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.618 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.618 )
fib_0764 = not showFib0764 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.764 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.764 )
fib_1000 = not showFib1000 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 1.000 ) : d + ( fib_range * 1.000 )
plot( title='Fib 0.000', series=fib_0000 ,color=fib_0000 != fib_0000[1] ? na : color.black ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.236', series=fib_0236 ,color=fib_0236 != fib_0236[1] ? na : color.red ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.382', series=fib_0382 ,color=fib_0382 != fib_0382[1] ? na : color.olive ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.500', series=fib_0500 ,color=fib_0500 != fib_0500[1] ? na : color.lime ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.618', series=fib_0618 ,color=fib_0618 != fib_0618[1] ? na : color.teal ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.764', series=fib_0764 ,color=fib_0764 != fib_0764[1] ? na : color.blue ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 1.000', series=fib_1000 ,color=fib_1000 != fib_1000[1] ? na : color.black ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
xab = ( abs( b - a ) / abs( x - a ) )
xad = ( abs( a - d ) / abs( x - a ) )
abc = ( abs( b - c ) / abs( a - b ) )
bcd = ( abs( c - d ) / abs( b - c ) )
// 5つの点の比率からパターンを判断する関数
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.5
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad <= 0.618 and xad <= 1.000 // 0.886
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.618
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.13 --> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618 // 2.0 --> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.000 // 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab <= 0.382
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618
_xad = xad <= 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab <= 0.786
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.236 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.382 - 0.618
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 - 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.000 and bcd <= 1.382 // 1.27
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.886 // 0.618 - 0.786
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618
_abc and _bcd and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.618 // 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.75 and xad <= 0.875 // 0.786
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.618 -> 0.786
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 -> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.500 and bcd <= 5.000 // 1.618
_xad = xad >= 1.000 and xad <= 5.000 // 1.272
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.886
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 2.000 and bcd <= 5.000 // 3.618
_xad = xad >= 1.382 and xad <= 5.000 // 1.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.250 and xab <= 0.500 // 0.276 -> 0.446
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 -> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618 // 1.618 -> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.750 // 0.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.5 --> 0.886
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 1.618 //
_bcd = bcd >= 1.270 and bcd <= 2.240 //
_xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.130 // 0.886 --> 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.446 --> 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.500 and abc <= 1.000 // 0.618 --> 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.250 and bcd <= 2.618 // 1.618 --> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 1.250 // 1.130 --> 1.130
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 1.618 and abc <= 2.24
_bcd = bcd >= 0.5 and bcd <= 0.625 // 0.5
_xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 0.236 // negative?
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.27 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 0 and abc <= 5
_bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 1.618
_xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 5
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 2.0 and xab <= 10
_abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1
_bcd = bcd >= 0.236 and bcd <= 0.88
_xad = xad >= 0.90 and xad <= 1.1
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.618
_bcd = bcd >= 0.382 and bcd <= 0.618
_xad = xad >= 0.236 and xad <= 0.764
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.236 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 1.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.236 and bcd <= 2.000
_xad = xad >= 2.000 and xad <= 2.236
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
// 売りパターンが出現したところに印を表示
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isABCD(-1) and not isABCD(-1)[1], text=" AB=CD", title='Bear ABCD', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isBat(-1) and not isBat(-1)[1], text="Bat", title='Bear Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiBat(-1) and not isAntiBat(-1)[1], text="Anti Bat", title='Bear Anti Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAltBat(-1) and not isAltBat(-1)[1], text="Alt Bat", title='Bear Alt Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isButterfly(-1) and not isButterfly(-1)[1], text="Butterfly", title='Bear Butterfly', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiButterfly(-1) and not isAntiButterfly(-1)[1], text="Anti Butterfly", title='Bear Anti Butterfly', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isGartley(-1) and not isGartley(-1)[1], text="Gartley", title='Bear Gartley', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiGartley(-1) and not isAntiGartley(-1)[1], text="Anti Gartley", title='Bear Anti Gartley', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isCrab(-1) and not isCrab(-1)[1], text="Crab", title='Bear Crab', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiCrab(-1) and not isAntiCrab(-1)[1], text="Anti Crab", title='Bear Anti Crab', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isShark(-1) and not isShark(-1)[1], text="Shark", title='Bear Shark', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiShark(-1) and not isAntiShark(-1)[1], text="Anti Shark", title='Bear Anti Shark', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : is5o(-1) and not is5o(-1)[1], text="5-O", title='Bear 5-O', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isWolf(-1) and not isWolf(-1)[1], text="Wolf Wave", title='Bear Wolf Wave', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isHnS(-1) and not isHnS(-1)[1], text="Head and Shoulders", title='Bear Head and Shoulders', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isConTria(-1) and not isConTria(-1)[1], text="Contracting Triangle", title='Bear Contracting triangle', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isExpTria(-1) and not isExpTria(-1)[1], text="Expanding Triangle", title='Bear Expanding Triangle', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
// 買いパターンが出現したところに印を表示
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isABCD(1) and not isABCD(1)[1], text="AB=CD ", title='Bull ABCD', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isBat(1) and not isBat(1)[1], text="Bat", title='Bull Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiBat(1) and not isAntiBat(1)[1], text="Anti Bat", title='Bull Anti Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAltBat(1) and not isAltBat(1)[1], text="Alt Bat", title='Bull Alt Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isButterfly(1) and not isButterfly(1)[1], text="Butterfly", title='Bull Butterfly', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiButterfly(1) and not isAntiButterfly(1)[1], text="Anti Butterfly", title='Bull Anti Butterfly', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isGartley(1) and not isGartley(1)[1], text="Gartley", title='Bull Gartley', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiGartley(1) and not isAntiGartley(1)[1], text="Anti Gartley", title='Bull Anti Gartley', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isCrab(1) and not isCrab(1)[1], text="Crab", title='Bull Crab', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiCrab(1) and not isAntiCrab(1)[1], text="Anti Crab", title='Bull Anti Crab', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isShark(1) and not isShark(1)[1], text="Shark", title='Bull Shark', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiShark(1) and not isAntiShark(1)[1], text="Anti Shark", title='Bull Anti Shark', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : is5o(1) and not is5o(1)[1], text="5-O", title='Bull 5-O', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isWolf(1) and not isWolf(1)[1], text="Wolf Wave", title='Bull Wolf Wave', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isHnS(1) and not isHnS(1)[1], text="Head and Shoulders", title='Bull Head and Shoulders', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isConTria(1) and not isConTria(1)[1], text="Contracting Triangle", title='Bull Contracting Triangle', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isExpTria(1) and not isExpTria(1)[1], text="Expanding Triangle", title='Bull Expanding Triangle', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
// 売買のロジック
fromY = input( 1900 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1900 ,title="test start year" )
fromM = input( 1 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1 ,maxval=12 ,title="test start month" )
fromD = input( 1 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1 ,maxval=31 ,title="test start date" )
endY = input( 3000 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1900 ,title="test end year" )
endM = input( 1 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1 ,maxval=12 ,title="test end month" )
endD = input( 1 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1 ,maxval=31 ,title="test end date" )
isWork = timestamp( fromY ,fromM ,fromD ,00 ,00 ) <= time and time < timestamp( endY ,endM ,endD ,00 ,00 )
cash_bool = input( true ,title="amount management" )
Unit_pct = input( 0.1 ,title="percent of unit value" )
lot = input( 1 ,title="lot" ,minval=1 )
reverge = input( 50 ,title="Reverge" ,minval=1 )
atr = ema( tr ,20 )[1]
balance = strategy.initial_capital + strategy.netprofit
unit_value = balance * Unit_pct
float max_amount = na
float amount = na
f_last_fib( _rate ) => d > c ? d - ( fib_range * _rate ) : d + ( fib_range * _rate )
target01_ew_rate = input( defval=0.236 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for Entry Window:', type=input.float )
target01_tp_rate = input( defval=0.5 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for TP:', type=input.float )
target01_sl_rate = input( defval=-0.618 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for SL:', type=input.float )
target01_ew = f_last_fib( target01_ew_rate )
target01_sl = f_last_fib( target01_sl_rate )
buy_patterns_00 = isABCD(1) or isBat(1) or isAltBat(1) or isButterfly(1) or isGartley(1) or isCrab(1) or isShark(1) or is5o(1) or isWolf(1) or isHnS(1) or isConTria(1) or isExpTria(1)
buy_patterns_01 = isAntiBat(1) or isAntiButterfly(1) or isAntiGartley(1) or isAntiCrab(1) or isAntiShark(1)
sel_patterns_00 = isABCD(-1) or isBat(-1) or isAltBat(-1) or isButterfly(-1) or isGartley(-1) or isCrab(-1) or isShark(-1) or is5o(-1) or isWolf(-1) or isHnS(-1) or isConTria(-1) or isExpTria(-1)
sel_patterns_01 = isAntiBat(-1) or isAntiButterfly(-1) or isAntiGartley(-1) or isAntiCrab(-1) or isAntiShark(-1)
range_rate = input( title='Rate to use for ATR filter', type=input.float, defval=1 )
range = abs( close - target01_sl )
if isWork and isNewPivot and range > atr * range_rate
max_amount := floor( ( balance - unit_value * 1.1 ) / ( close / reverge ) )
amount := cash_bool ? round( unit_value / range / lot ) * lot : na
amount := amount > max_amount ? max_amount : amount
if ( buy_patterns_00 or buy_patterns_01 ) and close <= target01_ew
strategy.entry( 'L1_target01', long=strategy.long, qty=amount, comment='L1' )
strategy.exit( "exit-L1" ,"L1_target01" ,stop=target01_sl ,limit=f_last_fib( target01_tp_rate ) ,comment="exit-L1" )
isNewPivot := false
if ( sel_patterns_00 or sel_patterns_01 ) and close >= target01_ew
strategy.entry( 'S1_target01', long=strategy.short, qty=amount, comment='S1' )
strategy.exit( "exit-S1" ,"S1_target01" ,stop=target01_sl ,limit=f_last_fib( target01_tp_rate ) ,comment="exit-S1" )
isNewPivot := false
教育 zigzagストラテジーをつくる⑦|ストラテジーを作成する2今回は、以下の機能を実装しました。
進みが遅いですが、気長にお付き合いくださいm(_ _)m
※ コピペする場合は以下の変更を行ってください
strategy( title='ZigZag PA Strategy 勉強中', shorttitle='S', overlay=true, pyramiding=0, initial_capital=100000 )
dev_threshold = input( title="Deviation (%)", type=input.float, defval=0, minval=0, maxval=100 )
depth = input( title="Depth", type=input.integer, defval=6, minval=1, maxval=10 )
//* depth -> length -> zero
//* lengthが最高値・最安値であるかを確認
//* trueならbar_indexと価格を返す
pivots(src, length, isHigh) =>
p = nz(src[length])
if length == 0
[bar_index, p]
isFound = true
for i = 0 to length - 1
if isHigh and src[i] > p
isFound := false
if not isHigh and src[i] < p
isFound := false
for i = length + 1 to 2 * length
if isHigh and src[i] >= p
isFound := false
if not isHigh and src[i] <= p
isFound := false
if isFound and length * 2 <= bar_index
[bar_index[length], p]
[int(na), float(na)]
[iH, pH] = pivots( high, floor(depth / 2), true )
[iL, pL] = pivots( low, floor(depth / 2), false )
// 変化率を算出する関数
calc_dev(base_price, price) =>
100 * (price - base_price) / base_price
// 前回のpivotの情報を格納
var line lineLast = na // lineのid (実際はidではなく識別している何か)
var float pLast = 0 // price
var bool isHighLast = true // High か Low か
var int linesCount = 0
var bool isNewPivot = false
// pivotを確認する関数
pivotFound(dev, isHigh, price) =>
if linesCount == 0
[line(na), isHigh, true]
if abs(dev) >= dev_threshold
[line(na), isHigh, true]
[line(na), isHighLast, false]
// 描画処理
if not na(pH) and not na(pL) and pH == pL
dev1 = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id2, isHigh2, isNew2] = pivotFound(dev1, true, pH)
if isNew2
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh2
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pH
dev2 = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id1, isHigh1, isNew1] = pivotFound(dev2, false, pL)
if isNew1
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh1
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pL
if not na(pH)
dev1 = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id, isHigh, isNew] = pivotFound(dev1, true, pH)
if isNew
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pH
if not na(pL)
dev2 = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id, isHigh, isNew] = pivotFound(dev2, false, pL)
if isNew
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pL
// 追加箇所
zigzag = pLast[1]!=pLast ? pLast : na
plot( zigzag ,color=color.red ,linewidth=3 ,title='zigzag' ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
bgcolor( isHighLast ? color.gray : color.white ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
// ジグザグが発生したときのジグザグの値を取得
float x = na
float a = na
float b = na
float c = na
float d = na
exist_zigzag = not na( zigzag ) and not isHighLast==isHighLast[1]
repaint = not na( zigzag ) and isHighLast==isHighLast[1]
x := exist_zigzag ? a[1] : x[1]
a := exist_zigzag ? b[1] : a[1]
b := exist_zigzag ? c[1] : b[1]
c := exist_zigzag ? d[1] : c[1]
d := exist_zigzag ? zigzag
: not repaint ? d[1]
: isHighLast and pLast > pLast[1] ? zigzag
: not isHighLast and pLast < pLast[1] ? zigzag
: d[1]
showPatterns = input( true, title='Show Patterns' )
showFib0000 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0236 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.236:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0382 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.382:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0500 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.500:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0618 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.618:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0764 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.764:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib1000 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 1.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
fib_range = abs(d-c)
fib_0000 = not showFib0000 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.000 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.000 )
fib_0236 = not showFib0236 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.236 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.236 )
fib_0382 = not showFib0382 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.382 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.382 )
fib_0500 = not showFib0500 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.500 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.500 )
fib_0618 = not showFib0618 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.618 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.618 )
fib_0764 = not showFib0764 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.764 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.764 )
fib_1000 = not showFib1000 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 1.000 ) : d + ( fib_range * 1.000 )
plot( title='Fib 0.000', series=fib_0000 ,color=fib_0000 != fib_0000[1] ? na : color.black ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.236', series=fib_0236 ,color=fib_0236 != fib_0236[1] ? na : color.red ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.382', series=fib_0382 ,color=fib_0382 != fib_0382[1] ? na : color.olive ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.500', series=fib_0500 ,color=fib_0500 != fib_0500[1] ? na : color.lime ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.618', series=fib_0618 ,color=fib_0618 != fib_0618[1] ? na : color.teal ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.764', series=fib_0764 ,color=fib_0764 != fib_0764[1] ? na : color.blue ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 1.000', series=fib_1000 ,color=fib_1000 != fib_1000[1] ? na : color.black ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
xab = ( abs( b - a ) / abs( x - a ) )
xad = ( abs( a - d ) / abs( x - a ) )
abc = ( abs( b - c ) / abs( a - b ) )
bcd = ( abs( c - d ) / abs( b - c ) )
// 5つの点の比率からパターンを判断する関数
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.5
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad <= 0.618 and xad <= 1.000 // 0.886
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.618
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.13 --> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618 // 2.0 --> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.000 // 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab <= 0.382
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618
_xad = xad <= 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab <= 0.786
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.236 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.382 - 0.618
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 - 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.000 and bcd <= 1.382 // 1.27
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.886 // 0.618 - 0.786
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618
_abc and _bcd and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.618 // 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.75 and xad <= 0.875 // 0.786
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.618 -> 0.786
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 -> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.500 and bcd <= 5.000 // 1.618
_xad = xad >= 1.000 and xad <= 5.000 // 1.272
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.886
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 2.000 and bcd <= 5.000 // 3.618
_xad = xad >= 1.382 and xad <= 5.000 // 1.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.250 and xab <= 0.500 // 0.276 -> 0.446
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 -> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618 // 1.618 -> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.750 // 0.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.5 --> 0.886
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 1.618 //
_bcd = bcd >= 1.270 and bcd <= 2.240 //
_xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.130 // 0.886 --> 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.446 --> 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.500 and abc <= 1.000 // 0.618 --> 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.250 and bcd <= 2.618 // 1.618 --> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 1.250 // 1.130 --> 1.130
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 1.618 and abc <= 2.24
_bcd = bcd >= 0.5 and bcd <= 0.625 // 0.5
_xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 0.236 // negative?
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.27 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 0 and abc <= 5
_bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 1.618
_xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 5
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 2.0 and xab <= 10
_abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1
_bcd = bcd >= 0.236 and bcd <= 0.88
_xad = xad >= 0.90 and xad <= 1.1
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.618
_bcd = bcd >= 0.382 and bcd <= 0.618
_xad = xad >= 0.236 and xad <= 0.764
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.236 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 1.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.236 and bcd <= 2.000
_xad = xad >= 2.000 and xad <= 2.236
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
// 売りパターンが出現したところに印を表示
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isABCD(-1) and not isABCD(-1)[1], text=" AB=CD", title='Bear ABCD', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isBat(-1) and not isBat(-1)[1], text="Bat", title='Bear Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiBat(-1) and not isAntiBat(-1)[1], text="Anti Bat", title='Bear Anti Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAltBat(-1) and not isAltBat(-1)[1], text="Alt Bat", title='Bear Alt Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isButterfly(-1) and not isButterfly(-1)[1], text="Butterfly", title='Bear Butterfly', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiButterfly(-1) and not isAntiButterfly(-1)[1], text="Anti Butterfly", title='Bear Anti Butterfly', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isGartley(-1) and not isGartley(-1)[1], text="Gartley", title='Bear Gartley', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiGartley(-1) and not isAntiGartley(-1)[1], text="Anti Gartley", title='Bear Anti Gartley', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isCrab(-1) and not isCrab(-1)[1], text="Crab", title='Bear Crab', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiCrab(-1) and not isAntiCrab(-1)[1], text="Anti Crab", title='Bear Anti Crab', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isShark(-1) and not isShark(-1)[1], text="Shark", title='Bear Shark', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiShark(-1) and not isAntiShark(-1)[1], text="Anti Shark", title='Bear Anti Shark', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : is5o(-1) and not is5o(-1)[1], text="5-O", title='Bear 5-O', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isWolf(-1) and not isWolf(-1)[1], text="Wolf Wave", title='Bear Wolf Wave', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isHnS(-1) and not isHnS(-1)[1], text="Head and Shoulders", title='Bear Head and Shoulders', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isConTria(-1) and not isConTria(-1)[1], text="Contracting Triangle", title='Bear Contracting triangle', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isExpTria(-1) and not isExpTria(-1)[1], text="Expanding Triangle", title='Bear Expanding Triangle', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
// 買いパターンが出現したところに印を表示
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isABCD(1) and not isABCD(1)[1], text="AB=CD ", title='Bull ABCD', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isBat(1) and not isBat(1)[1], text="Bat", title='Bull Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiBat(1) and not isAntiBat(1)[1], text="Anti Bat", title='Bull Anti Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAltBat(1) and not isAltBat(1)[1], text="Alt Bat", title='Bull Alt Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isButterfly(1) and not isButterfly(1)[1], text="Butterfly", title='Bull Butterfly', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiButterfly(1) and not isAntiButterfly(1)[1], text="Anti Butterfly", title='Bull Anti Butterfly', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isGartley(1) and not isGartley(1)[1], text="Gartley", title='Bull Gartley', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiGartley(1) and not isAntiGartley(1)[1], text="Anti Gartley", title='Bull Anti Gartley', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isCrab(1) and not isCrab(1)[1], text="Crab", title='Bull Crab', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiCrab(1) and not isAntiCrab(1)[1], text="Anti Crab", title='Bull Anti Crab', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isShark(1) and not isShark(1)[1], text="Shark", title='Bull Shark', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiShark(1) and not isAntiShark(1)[1], text="Anti Shark", title='Bull Anti Shark', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : is5o(1) and not is5o(1)[1], text="5-O", title='Bull 5-O', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isWolf(1) and not isWolf(1)[1], text="Wolf Wave", title='Bull Wolf Wave', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isHnS(1) and not isHnS(1)[1], text="Head and Shoulders", title='Bull Head and Shoulders', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isConTria(1) and not isConTria(1)[1], text="Contracting Triangle", title='Bull Contracting Triangle', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isExpTria(1) and not isExpTria(1)[1], text="Expanding Triangle", title='Bull Expanding Triangle', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
// 売買のロジック
fromY = input( 1900 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1900 ,title="test start year" )
fromM = input( 1 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1 ,maxval=12 ,title="test start month" )
fromD = input( 1 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1 ,maxval=31 ,title="test start date" )
endY = input( 3000 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1900 ,title="test end year" )
endM = input( 1 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1 ,maxval=12 ,title="test end month" )
endD = input( 1 ,type=input.integer ,minval=1 ,maxval=31 ,title="test end date" )
isWork = timestamp( fromY ,fromM ,fromD ,00 ,00 ) <= time and time < timestamp( endY ,endM ,endD ,00 ,00 )
atr = ema( tr ,20 )[1]
float amount = na
f_last_fib( _rate ) => d > c ? d - ( fib_range * _rate ) : d + ( fib_range * _rate )
target01_ew_rate = input( defval=0.236 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for Entry Window:', type=input.float )
target01_tp_rate = input( defval=0.5 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for TP:', type=input.float )
target01_sl_rate = input( defval=-0.618 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for SL:', type=input.float )
target01_ew = f_last_fib( target01_ew_rate )
target01_sl = f_last_fib( target01_sl_rate )
buy_patterns_00 = isABCD(1) or isBat(1) or isAltBat(1) or isButterfly(1) or isGartley(1) or isCrab(1) or isShark(1) or is5o(1) or isWolf(1) or isHnS(1) or isConTria(1) or isExpTria(1)
buy_patterns_01 = isAntiBat(1) or isAntiButterfly(1) or isAntiGartley(1) or isAntiCrab(1) or isAntiShark(1)
sel_patterns_00 = isABCD(-1) or isBat(-1) or isAltBat(-1) or isButterfly(-1) or isGartley(-1) or isCrab(-1) or isShark(-1) or is5o(-1) or isWolf(-1) or isHnS(-1) or isConTria(-1) or isExpTria(-1)
sel_patterns_01 = isAntiBat(-1) or isAntiButterfly(-1) or isAntiGartley(-1) or isAntiCrab(-1) or isAntiShark(-1)
range_rate = input( title='Rate to use for ATR filter', type=input.float, defval=1 )
range = abs( close - target01_sl )
if isWork and isNewPivot and range > atr * range_rate
if ( buy_patterns_00 or buy_patterns_01 ) and close <= target01_ew
strategy.entry( 'L1_target01', long=strategy.long, qty=amount, comment='L1' )
strategy.exit( "exit-L1" ,"L1_target01" ,stop=target01_sl ,limit=f_last_fib( target01_tp_rate ) ,comment="exit-L1" )
isNewPivot := false
if ( sel_patterns_00 or sel_patterns_01 ) and close >= target01_ew
strategy.entry( 'S1_target01', long=strategy.short, qty=amount, comment='S1' )
strategy.exit( "exit-S1" ,"S1_target01" ,stop=target01_sl ,limit=f_last_fib( target01_tp_rate ) ,comment="exit-S1" )
isNewPivot := false
"ZigZagやフィボナッチの良さ" とは、
"価格にダイレクトである" という点です。
これも、"価格にダイレクト" を活かすためです。
※ コピペする場合は以下の変更を行ってください
// study("Zig Zag 勉強中", overlay=true)
strategy( title='ZigZag PA Strategy 勉強中', shorttitle='S', overlay=true, pyramiding=0, initial_capital=100000 )
dev_threshold = input( title="Deviation (%)", type=input.float, defval=0, minval=0, maxval=100 )
depth = input( title="Depth", type=input.integer, defval=6, minval=1, maxval=10 )
// pivotを算出する
pivots(src, length, isHigh) =>
p = nz(src[length])
if length == 0
[bar_index, p]
isFound = true
for i = 0 to length - 1
if isHigh and src[i] > p
isFound := false
if not isHigh and src[i] < p
isFound := false
for i = length + 1 to 2 * length
if isHigh and src[i] >= p
isFound := false
if not isHigh and src[i] <= p
isFound := false
if isFound and length * 2 <= bar_index
[bar_index[length], p]
[int(na), float(na)]
[iH, pH] = pivots( high, floor(depth / 2), true )
[iL, pL] = pivots( low, floor(depth / 2), false )
// 変化率を算出する関数
calc_dev(base_price, price) =>
100 * (price - base_price) / base_price
// 前回のpivotの情報を格納
var line lineLast = na // lineのid (実際はidではなく識別している何か)
var float pLast = 0 // price
var bool isHighLast = true // High か Low か
var int linesCount = 0
var bool isNewPivot = false
// pivotを確認する関数
pivotFound(dev, isHigh, price) =>
if linesCount == 0
[line(na), isHigh, true]
if abs(dev) >= dev_threshold
[line(na), isHigh, true]
[line(na), isHighLast, false]
// 描画処理
if not na(pH) and not na(pL) and pH == pL
dev1 = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id2, isHigh2, isNew2] = pivotFound(dev1, true, pH)
if isNew2
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh2
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pH
dev2 = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id1, isHigh1, isNew1] = pivotFound(dev2, false, pL)
if isNew1
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh1
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pL
if not na(pH)
dev1 = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id, isHigh, isNew] = pivotFound(dev1, true, pH)
if isNew
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pH
if not na(pL)
dev2 = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id, isHigh, isNew] = pivotFound(dev2, false, pL)
if isNew
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh
isNewPivot := true
pLast := pL
// 追加箇所
zigzag = pLast[1]!=pLast ? pLast : na
plot( zigzag ,color=color.red ,linewidth=3 ,title='zigzag' ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
bgcolor( isHighLast ? color.gray : color.white ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
// ジグザグが発生したときのジグザグの値を取得
float x = na
float a = na
float b = na
float c = na
float d = na
exist_zigzag = not na( zigzag ) and not isHighLast==isHighLast[1]
repaint = not na( zigzag ) and isHighLast==isHighLast[1]
x := exist_zigzag ? a[1] : x[1]
a := exist_zigzag ? b[1] : a[1]
b := exist_zigzag ? c[1] : b[1]
c := exist_zigzag ? d[1] : c[1]
d := exist_zigzag ? zigzag
: not repaint ? d[1]
: isHighLast and pLast > pLast[1] ? zigzag
: not isHighLast and pLast < pLast[1] ? zigzag
: d[1]
showPatterns = input( true, title='Show Patterns' )
showFib0000 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0236 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.236:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0382 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.382:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0500 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.500:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0618 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.618:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0764 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.764:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib1000 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 1.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
fib_range = abs(d-c)
fib_0000 = not showFib0000 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.000 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.000 )
fib_0236 = not showFib0236 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.236 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.236 )
fib_0382 = not showFib0382 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.382 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.382 )
fib_0500 = not showFib0500 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.500 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.500 )
fib_0618 = not showFib0618 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.618 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.618 )
fib_0764 = not showFib0764 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 0.764 ) : d + ( fib_range * 0.764 )
fib_1000 = not showFib1000 ? na : d > c ? d - ( fib_range * 1.000 ) : d + ( fib_range * 1.000 )
plot( title='Fib 0.000', series=fib_0000 ,color=fib_0000 != fib_0000[1] ? na : color.black ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.236', series=fib_0236 ,color=fib_0236 != fib_0236[1] ? na : color.red ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.382', series=fib_0382 ,color=fib_0382 != fib_0382[1] ? na : color.olive ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.500', series=fib_0500 ,color=fib_0500 != fib_0500[1] ? na : color.lime ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.618', series=fib_0618 ,color=fib_0618 != fib_0618[1] ? na : color.teal ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 0.764', series=fib_0764 ,color=fib_0764 != fib_0764[1] ? na : color.blue ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( title='Fib 1.000', series=fib_1000 ,color=fib_1000 != fib_1000[1] ? na : color.black ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
xab = ( abs( b - a ) / abs( x - a ) )
xad = ( abs( a - d ) / abs( x - a ) )
abc = ( abs( b - c ) / abs( a - b ) )
bcd = ( abs( c - d ) / abs( b - c ) )
// 5つの点の比率からパターンを判断する関数
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.5
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad <= 0.618 and xad <= 1.000 // 0.886
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.618
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.13 --> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618 // 2.0 --> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.000 // 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab <= 0.382
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618
_xad = xad <= 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab <= 0.786
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.236 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.382 - 0.618
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 - 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.000 and bcd <= 1.382 // 1.27
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.886 // 0.618 - 0.786
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618
_abc and _bcd and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.618 // 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.75 and xad <= 0.875 // 0.786
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.618 -> 0.786
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 -> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.500 and bcd <= 5.000 // 1.618
_xad = xad >= 1.000 and xad <= 5.000 // 1.272
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.886
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 2.000 and bcd <= 5.000 // 3.618
_xad = xad >= 1.382 and xad <= 5.000 // 1.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.250 and xab <= 0.500 // 0.276 -> 0.446
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 -> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618 // 1.618 -> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.750 // 0.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.5 --> 0.886
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 1.618 //
_bcd = bcd >= 1.270 and bcd <= 2.240 //
_xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.130 // 0.886 --> 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.446 --> 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.500 and abc <= 1.000 // 0.618 --> 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.250 and bcd <= 2.618 // 1.618 --> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 1.250 // 1.130 --> 1.130
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 1.618 and abc <= 2.24
_bcd = bcd >= 0.5 and bcd <= 0.625 // 0.5
_xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 0.236 // negative?
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.27 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 0 and abc <= 5
_bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 1.618
_xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 5
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 2.0 and xab <= 10
_abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1
_bcd = bcd >= 0.236 and bcd <= 0.88
_xad = xad >= 0.90 and xad <= 1.1
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.618
_bcd = bcd >= 0.382 and bcd <= 0.618
_xad = xad >= 0.236 and xad <= 0.764
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.236 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 1.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.236 and bcd <= 2.000
_xad = xad >= 2.000 and xad <= 2.236
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
// 売りパターンが出現したところに印を表示
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isABCD(-1) and not isABCD(-1)[1], text=" AB=CD", title='Bear ABCD', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isBat(-1) and not isBat(-1)[1], text="Bat", title='Bear Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiBat(-1) and not isAntiBat(-1)[1], text="Anti Bat", title='Bear Anti Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAltBat(-1) and not isAltBat(-1)[1], text="Alt Bat", title='Bear Alt Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isButterfly(-1) and not isButterfly(-1)[1], text="Butterfly", title='Bear Butterfly', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiButterfly(-1) and not isAntiButterfly(-1)[1], text="Anti Butterfly", title='Bear Anti Butterfly', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isGartley(-1) and not isGartley(-1)[1], text="Gartley", title='Bear Gartley', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiGartley(-1) and not isAntiGartley(-1)[1], text="Anti Gartley", title='Bear Anti Gartley', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isCrab(-1) and not isCrab(-1)[1], text="Crab", title='Bear Crab', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiCrab(-1) and not isAntiCrab(-1)[1], text="Anti Crab", title='Bear Anti Crab', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isShark(-1) and not isShark(-1)[1], text="Shark", title='Bear Shark', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiShark(-1) and not isAntiShark(-1)[1], text="Anti Shark", title='Bear Anti Shark', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : is5o(-1) and not is5o(-1)[1], text="5-O", title='Bear 5-O', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isWolf(-1) and not isWolf(-1)[1], text="Wolf Wave", title='Bear Wolf Wave', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isHnS(-1) and not isHnS(-1)[1], text="Head and Shoulders", title='Bear Head and Shoulders', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isConTria(-1) and not isConTria(-1)[1], text="Contracting Triangle", title='Bear Contracting triangle', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isExpTria(-1) and not isExpTria(-1)[1], text="Expanding Triangle", title='Bear Expanding Triangle', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0 )
// 買いパターンが出現したところに印を表示
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isABCD(1) and not isABCD(1)[1], text="AB=CD ", title='Bull ABCD', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isBat(1) and not isBat(1)[1], text="Bat", title='Bull Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiBat(1) and not isAntiBat(1)[1], text="Anti Bat", title='Bull Anti Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAltBat(1) and not isAltBat(1)[1], text="Alt Bat", title='Bull Alt Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isButterfly(1) and not isButterfly(1)[1], text="Butterfly", title='Bull Butterfly', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiButterfly(1) and not isAntiButterfly(1)[1], text="Anti Butterfly", title='Bull Anti Butterfly', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isGartley(1) and not isGartley(1)[1], text="Gartley", title='Bull Gartley', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiGartley(1) and not isAntiGartley(1)[1], text="Anti Gartley", title='Bull Anti Gartley', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isCrab(1) and not isCrab(1)[1], text="Crab", title='Bull Crab', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiCrab(1) and not isAntiCrab(1)[1], text="Anti Crab", title='Bull Anti Crab', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isShark(1) and not isShark(1)[1], text="Shark", title='Bull Shark', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isAntiShark(1) and not isAntiShark(1)[1], text="Anti Shark", title='Bull Anti Shark', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : is5o(1) and not is5o(1)[1], text="5-O", title='Bull 5-O', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isWolf(1) and not isWolf(1)[1], text="Wolf Wave", title='Bull Wolf Wave', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isHnS(1) and not isHnS(1)[1], text="Head and Shoulders", title='Bull Head and Shoulders', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isConTria(1) and not isConTria(1)[1], text="Contracting Triangle", title='Bull Contracting Triangle', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
plotshape( not showPatterns ? na : isExpTria(1) and not isExpTria(1)[1], text="Expanding Triangle", title='Bull Expanding Triangle', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0 )
// 売買のロジック
float amount = na
f_last_fib( _rate ) => d > c ? d - ( fib_range * _rate ) : d + ( fib_range * _rate )
target01_ew_rate = input( defval=0.236 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for Entry Window:', type=input.float )
target01_tp_rate = input( defval=0.5 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for TP:', type=input.float )
target01_sl_rate = input( defval=-0.618 ,title='Target Fib. Rate to use for SL:', type=input.float )
target01_ew = f_last_fib( target01_ew_rate )
target01_sl = f_last_fib( target01_sl_rate )
buy_patterns_00 = isABCD(1) or isBat(1) or isAltBat(1) or isButterfly(1) or isGartley(1) or isCrab(1) or isShark(1) or is5o(1) or isWolf(1) or isHnS(1) or isConTria(1) or isExpTria(1)
buy_patterns_01 = isAntiBat(1) or isAntiButterfly(1) or isAntiGartley(1) or isAntiCrab(1) or isAntiShark(1)
sel_patterns_00 = isABCD(-1) or isBat(-1) or isAltBat(-1) or isButterfly(-1) or isGartley(-1) or isCrab(-1) or isShark(-1) or is5o(-1) or isWolf(-1) or isHnS(-1) or isConTria(-1) or isExpTria(-1)
sel_patterns_01 = isAntiBat(-1) or isAntiButterfly(-1) or isAntiGartley(-1) or isAntiCrab(-1) or isAntiShark(-1)
if isNewPivot and ( buy_patterns_00 or buy_patterns_01 ) and close <= target01_ew
strategy.entry( 'L1_target01', long=strategy.long, qty=amount, comment='L1' )
strategy.exit( "exit-L1" ,"L1_target01" ,stop=target01_sl ,limit=f_last_fib( target01_tp_rate ) ,comment="exit-L1" )
isNewPivot := false
if isNewPivot and ( sel_patterns_00 or sel_patterns_01 ) and close >= target01_ew
strategy.entry( 'S1_target01', long=strategy.short, qty=amount, comment='S1' )
strategy.exit( "exit-S1" ,"S1_target01" ,stop=target01_sl ,limit=f_last_fib( target01_tp_rate ) ,comment="exit-S1" )
isNewPivot := false
("なし" で作成しておいた方がPythonに書き換えやすい)
※ コピペする場合は以下の変更を行ってください
strategy( title='ZigZag PA Strategy 勉強中', shorttitle='S', overlay=true, pyramiding=0, initial_capital=100000 )
altTimeframe = input( title="Alt Timeframe" ,defval='60' )
is_open = change( time( altTimeframe ) ) != 0
bgcolor( is_open ? color.gray : color.white ,title='aot timeframe open' )
// 上位足の高値を過去2本分保有しておく
float cnt02_high = na
float cnt01_high = na
float cnt00_high = na
cnt02_high := is_open ? cnt01_high[1] : cnt02_high[1]
cnt01_high := is_open ? cnt00_high[1] : cnt01_high[1]
cnt00_high := is_open ? high : high > cnt00_high[1] ? high : cnt00_high[1]
// plot( cnt02_high ,color=color.color.red )
// plot( cnt01_high ,color=color.color.red )
// plot( cnt00_high ,color=color.color.red )
// 上位足の安値を過去2本分保有しておく
float cnt02_low = na
float cnt01_low = na
float cnt00_low = na
cnt02_low := is_open ? cnt01_low[1] : cnt02_low[1]
cnt01_low := is_open ? cnt00_low[1] : cnt01_low[1]
cnt00_low := is_open ? low : low < cnt00_low[1] ? low : cnt00_low[1]
// plot( cnt02_low )
// plot( cnt01_low )
// plot( cnt00_low )
// 上位足の始値を過去2本分保有しておく
float cnt02_open = na
float cnt01_open = na
float cnt00_open = na
cnt02_open := is_open ? cnt01_open[1] : cnt02_open[1]
cnt01_open := is_open ? cnt00_open[1] : cnt01_open[1]
cnt00_open := is_open ? open : cnt00_open[1]
// 上位足の終値を過去2本分保有しておく
float cnt02_close = na
float cnt01_close = na
cnt02_close := is_open ? cnt01_close[1] : cnt02_close[1]
cnt01_close := is_open ? close[1] : cnt01_close[1]
// zigzagを確認
isUp_02 = cnt02_close >= cnt02_open
isUp_01 = cnt01_close >= cnt01_open
isDown_02 = cnt02_close <= cnt02_open
isDown_01 = cnt01_close <= cnt01_open
int direction_02 = na
int direction_01 = na
direction_02 := is_open ? direction_01[1] : direction_02[1]
direction_01 := not is_open ? direction_01[1] : isUp_02 and isDown_01 ? -1
: isDown_02 and isUp_01 ? 1
: direction_01[1]
zigzag = not is_open ? na : isUp_02 and isDown_01 and direction_02 != -1 ? max( cnt01_high ,cnt02_high )
: isDown_02 and isUp_01 and direction_02 != 1 ? min( cnt01_low ,cnt02_low )
: na
plot( zigzag ,color=color.red ,linewidth=3 ,title='zigzag' )
// ジグザグが発生したときのジグザグの値を取得
float x = na
float a = na
float b = na
float c = na
float d = na
exist_zigzag = not na( zigzag )
x := exist_zigzag ? a[1] : x[1]
a := exist_zigzag ? b[1] : a[1]
b := exist_zigzag ? c[1] : b[1]
c := exist_zigzag ? d[1] : c[1]
d := exist_zigzag ? zigzag : d[1]
showPatterns = input( true, title='Show Patterns' )
showFib0000 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0236 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.236:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0382 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.382:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0500 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.500:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0618 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.618:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib0764 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 0.764:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
showFib1000 = input( title='Display Fibonacci 1.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true )
fib_range = abs(d-c)
fib_0000 = not showFib0000 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.000):d+(fib_range*0.000)
fib_0236 = not showFib0236 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.236):d+(fib_range*0.236)
fib_0382 = not showFib0382 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.382):d+(fib_range*0.382)
fib_0500 = not showFib0500 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.500):d+(fib_range*0.500)
fib_0618 = not showFib0618 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.618):d+(fib_range*0.618)
fib_0764 = not showFib0764 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.764):d+(fib_range*0.764)
fib_1000 = not showFib1000 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*1.000):d+(fib_range*1.000)
plot(title='Fib 0.000', series=fib_0000 ,color=fib_0000 != fib_0000[1] ? na : color.black)
plot(title='Fib 0.236', series=fib_0236 ,color=fib_0236 != fib_0236[1] ? na : color.red)
plot(title='Fib 0.382', series=fib_0382 ,color=fib_0382 != fib_0382[1] ? na : color.olive)
plot(title='Fib 0.500', series=fib_0500 ,color=fib_0500 != fib_0500[1] ? na : color.lime)
plot(title='Fib 0.618', series=fib_0618 ,color=fib_0618 != fib_0618[1] ? na : color.teal)
plot(title='Fib 0.764', series=fib_0764 ,color=fib_0764 != fib_0764[1] ? na : color.blue)
plot(title='Fib 1.000', series=fib_1000 ,color=fib_1000 != fib_1000[1] ? na : color.black)
xab = ( abs( b - a ) / abs( x - a ) )
xad = ( abs( a - d ) / abs( x - a ) )
abc = ( abs( b - c ) / abs( a - b ) )
bcd = ( abs( c - d ) / abs( b - c ) )
// 5つの点の比率からパターンを判断する関数
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.5
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad <= 0.618 and xad <= 1.000 // 0.886
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.618
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.13 --> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618 // 2.0 --> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.000 // 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab <= 0.382
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 2.0 and bcd <= 3.618
_xad = xad <= 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab <= 0.786
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad >= 1.27 and xad <= 1.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.236 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.382 - 0.618
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 - 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.000 and bcd <= 1.382 // 1.27
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.886 // 0.618 - 0.786
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618
_abc and _bcd and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.5 and xab <= 0.618 // 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.13 and bcd <= 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.75 and xad <= 0.875 // 0.786
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.886 // 0.618 -> 0.786
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 -> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.500 and bcd <= 5.000 // 1.618
_xad = xad >= 1.000 and xad <= 5.000 // 1.272
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.886
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 2.000 and bcd <= 5.000 // 3.618
_xad = xad >= 1.382 and xad <= 5.000 // 1.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.250 and xab <= 0.500 // 0.276 -> 0.446
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 2.618 // 1.130 -> 2.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.618 and bcd <= 2.618 // 1.618 -> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 0.750 // 0.618
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.500 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.5 --> 0.886
_abc = abc >= 1.130 and abc <= 1.618 //
_bcd = bcd >= 1.270 and bcd <= 2.240 //
_xad = xad >= 0.886 and xad <= 1.130 // 0.886 --> 1.13
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.875 // 0.446 --> 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.500 and abc <= 1.000 // 0.618 --> 0.886
_bcd = bcd >= 1.250 and bcd <= 2.618 // 1.618 --> 2.618
_xad = xad >= 0.500 and xad <= 1.250 // 1.130 --> 1.130
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.13 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 1.618 and abc <= 2.24
_bcd = bcd >= 0.5 and bcd <= 0.625 // 0.5
_xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 0.236 // negative?
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.27 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 0 and abc <= 5
_bcd = bcd >= 1.27 and bcd <= 1.618
_xad = xad >= 0.0 and xad <= 5
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 2.0 and xab <= 10
_abc = abc >= 0.90 and abc <= 1.1
_bcd = bcd >= 0.236 and bcd <= 0.88
_xad = xad >= 0.90 and xad <= 1.1
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 0.382 and xab <= 0.618
_abc = abc >= 0.382 and abc <= 0.618
_bcd = bcd >= 0.382 and bcd <= 0.618
_xad = xad >= 0.236 and xad <= 0.764
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
_xab = xab >= 1.236 and xab <= 1.618
_abc = abc >= 1.000 and abc <= 1.618
_bcd = bcd >= 1.236 and bcd <= 2.000
_xad = xad >= 2.000 and xad <= 2.236
_xab and _abc and _bcd and _xad and (_mode == 1 ? d < c : d > c)
// 売りパターンが出現したところに印を表示
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isABCD(-1) and not isABCD(-1)[1], text=" AB=CD", title='Bear ABCD', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isBat(-1) and not isBat(-1)[1], text="Bat", title='Bear Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiBat(-1) and not isAntiBat(-1)[1], text="Anti Bat", title='Bear Anti Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0, offset=-2)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAltBat(-1) and not isAltBat(-1)[1], text="Alt Bat", title='Bear Alt Bat', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isButterfly(-1) and not isButterfly(-1)[1], text="Butterfly", title='Bear Butterfly', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiButterfly(-1) and not isAntiButterfly(-1)[1], text="Anti Butterfly", title='Bear Anti Butterfly', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isGartley(-1) and not isGartley(-1)[1], text="Gartley", title='Bear Gartley', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiGartley(-1) and not isAntiGartley(-1)[1], text="Anti Gartley", title='Bear Anti Gartley', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isCrab(-1) and not isCrab(-1)[1], text="Crab", title='Bear Crab', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiCrab(-1) and not isAntiCrab(-1)[1], text="Anti Crab", title='Bear Anti Crab', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isShark(-1) and not isShark(-1)[1], text="Shark", title='Bear Shark', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiShark(-1) and not isAntiShark(-1)[1], text="Anti Shark", title='Bear Anti Shark', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : is5o(-1) and not is5o(-1)[1], text="5-O", title='Bear 5-O', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isWolf(-1) and not isWolf(-1)[1], text="Wolf Wave", title='Bear Wolf Wave', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isHnS(-1) and not isHnS(-1)[1], text="Head and Shoulders", title='Bear Head and Shoulders', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isConTria(-1) and not isConTria(-1)[1], text="Contracting Triangle", title='Bear Contracting triangle', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isExpTria(-1) and not isExpTria(-1)[1], text="Expanding Triangle", title='Bear Expanding Triangle', style=shape.labeldown, color=color.maroon, textcolor=color.white, location=location.top, transp=0)
// 買いパターンが出現したところに印を表示
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isABCD(1) and not isABCD(1)[1], text="AB=CD ", title='Bull ABCD', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isBat(1) and not isBat(1)[1], text="Bat", title='Bull Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiBat(1) and not isAntiBat(1)[1], text="Anti Bat", title='Bull Anti Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAltBat(1) and not isAltBat(1)[1], text="Alt Bat", title='Bull Alt Bat', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isButterfly(1) and not isButterfly(1)[1], text="Butterfly", title='Bull Butterfly', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiButterfly(1) and not isAntiButterfly(1)[1], text="Anti Butterfly", title='Bull Anti Butterfly', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isGartley(1) and not isGartley(1)[1], text="Gartley", title='Bull Gartley', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiGartley(1) and not isAntiGartley(1)[1], text="Anti Gartley", title='Bull Anti Gartley', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isCrab(1) and not isCrab(1)[1], text="Crab", title='Bull Crab', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiCrab(1) and not isAntiCrab(1)[1], text="Anti Crab", title='Bull Anti Crab', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isShark(1) and not isShark(1)[1], text="Shark", title='Bull Shark', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isAntiShark(1) and not isAntiShark(1)[1], text="Anti Shark", title='Bull Anti Shark', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : is5o(1) and not is5o(1)[1], text="5-O", title='Bull 5-O', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isWolf(1) and not isWolf(1)[1], text="Wolf Wave", title='Bull Wolf Wave', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isHnS(1) and not isHnS(1)[1], text="Head and Shoulders", title='Bull Head and Shoulders', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isConTria(1) and not isConTria(1)[1], text="Contracting Triangle", title='Bull Contracting Triangle', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
plotshape(not showPatterns ? na : isExpTria(1) and not isExpTria(1)[1], text="Expanding Triangle", title='Bull Expanding Triangle', style=shape.labelup, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, location=location.bottom, transp=0)
// 売買のロジック
f_last_fib( _rate ) => d > c ? d - ( fib_range * _rate ) : d + ( fib_range * _rate )
// ターゲット1の設定項目と初期値
// 上から
// 取引量
// エントリーの基準(0.236を超えていない)
// 利益確定幅
// ロスカット幅
target01_trade_size = input(title='Target 1 - Trade size:', type=input.float, defval=10000.00)
target01_ew_rate = input(title='Target 1 - Fib. Rate to use for Entry Window:', type=input.float, defval=0.236)
target01_tp_rate = input(title='Target 1 - Fib. Rate to use for TP:', type=input.float, defval=0.618)
target01_sl_rate = input(title='Target 1 - Fib. Rate to use for SL:', type=input.float, defval=-0.236)
// ターゲット2の設定
target02_active = input(title='Target 2 - Active?', type=input.bool, defval=false)
target02_trade_size = input(title='Target 2 - Trade size:', type=input.float, defval=10000.00)
target02_ew_rate = input(title='Target 2 - Fib. Rate to use for Entry Window:', type=input.float, defval=0.236)
target02_tp_rate = input(title='Target 2 - Fib. Rate to use for TP:', type=input.float, defval=1.618)
target02_sl_rate = input(title='Target 2 - Fib. Rate to use for SL:', type=input.float, defval=-0.236)
// 買いのパターン
buy_patterns_00 = isABCD(1) or isBat(1) or isAltBat(1) or isButterfly(1) or isGartley(1) or isCrab(1) or isShark(1) or is5o(1) or isWolf(1) or isHnS(1) or isConTria(1) or isExpTria(1)
buy_patterns_01 = isAntiBat(1) or isAntiButterfly(1) or isAntiGartley(1) or isAntiCrab(1) or isAntiShark(1)
// 売りのパターン
sel_patterns_00 = isABCD(-1) or isBat(-1) or isAltBat(-1) or isButterfly(-1) or isGartley(-1) or isCrab(-1) or isShark(-1) or is5o(-1) or isWolf(-1) or isHnS(-1) or isConTria(-1) or isExpTria(-1)
sel_patterns_01 = isAntiBat(-1) or isAntiButterfly(-1) or isAntiGartley(-1) or isAntiCrab(-1) or isAntiShark(-1)
// ターゲット1の売買
// 買いのパターン & エントリーの基準を満たす → 買いエントリー
// 利確・損切りを超える → 買いの決済
target01_buy_entry = (buy_patterns_00 or buy_patterns_01) and close <= f_last_fib(target01_ew_rate)
target01_buy_close = high >= f_last_fib(target01_tp_rate) or low <= f_last_fib(target01_sl_rate)
strategy.entry('target01_buy', long=strategy.long, qty=target01_trade_size, comment='buy 01', when=target01_buy_entry)
strategy.close('target01_buy', when=target01_buy_close)
// 売りのパターン & エントリーの基準を満たす → 売りエントリー
// 利確・損切りを超える → 売りの決済
target01_sel_entry = (sel_patterns_00 or sel_patterns_01) and close >= f_last_fib(target01_ew_rate)
target01_sel_close = low <= f_last_fib(target01_tp_rate) or high >= f_last_fib(target01_sl_rate)
strategy.entry('target01_sell', long=strategy.short, qty=target01_trade_size, comment='sell 01', when=target01_sel_entry)
strategy.close('target01_sell', when=target01_sel_close)
// ターゲット2の売買
target02_buy_entry = target02_active and (buy_patterns_00 or buy_patterns_01) and close <= f_last_fib(target02_ew_rate)
target02_buy_close = target02_active and high >= f_last_fib(target02_tp_rate) or low <= f_last_fib(target02_sl_rate)
strategy.entry('target02_buy', long=strategy.long, qty=target02_trade_size, comment='buy 02', when=target02_buy_entry)
strategy.close('target02_buy', when=target02_buy_close)
target02_sel_entry = target02_active and (sel_patterns_00 or sel_patterns_01) and close >= f_last_fib(target02_ew_rate)
target02_sel_close = target02_active and low <= f_last_fib(target02_tp_rate) or high >= f_last_fib(target02_sl_rate)
strategy.entry('target02_sell', long=strategy.short, qty=target02_trade_size, comment='sell 02', when=target02_sel_entry)
strategy.close('target02_sell', when=target02_sel_close)
※ コピペする場合は以下の変更を行ってください
study("Zig Zag 勉強中", overlay=true)
dev_threshold = input(title="Deviation (%)", type=input.float, defval=.1, minval=0.01, maxval=100)
depth = input(title="Depth", type=input.integer, defval=10, minval=1)
showPatterns = input(true, title='Show Patterns')
showFib0000 = input(title='Display Fibonacci 0.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true)
showFib0236 = input(title='Display Fibonacci 0.236:', type=input.bool, defval=true)
showFib0382 = input(title='Display Fibonacci 0.382:', type=input.bool, defval=true)
showFib0500 = input(title='Display Fibonacci 0.500:', type=input.bool, defval=true)
showFib0618 = input(title='Display Fibonacci 0.618:', type=input.bool, defval=true)
showFib0764 = input(title='Display Fibonacci 0.764:', type=input.bool, defval=true)
showFib1000 = input(title='Display Fibonacci 1.000:', type=input.bool, defval=true)
//* depth -> length -> zero
//* lengthが最高値・最安値であるかを確認
//* trueならbar_indexと価格を返す
pivots(src, length, isHigh) =>
p = nz(src[length])
if length == 0
[bar_index, p]
isFound = true
for i = 0 to length - 1
if isHigh and src[i] > p
isFound := false
if not isHigh and src[i] < p
isFound := false
for i = length + 1 to 2 * length
if isHigh and src[i] >= p
isFound := false
if not isHigh and src[i] <= p
isFound := false
if isFound and length * 2 <= bar_index
[bar_index[length], p]
[int(na), float(na)]
[iH, pH] = pivots(high, floor(depth / 2), true)
[iL, pL] = pivots(low, floor(depth / 2), false)
// 変化率を算出する関数
calc_dev(base_price, price) =>
100 * (price - base_price) / base_price
// 直近のpivotの情報を格納
var line lineLast = na // lineのid (実際はidではなく識別している何か)
var float pLast = 0 // price
var bool isHighLast = true // High か Low か
var int linesCount = 0
//* Lineを描画する関数
pivotFound(dev, isHigh, index, price) =>
if linesCount == 0
[line(na), isHigh, true]
if abs(dev) >= dev_threshold
[line(na), isHigh, true]
[line(na), isHighLast, false]
//* 描画処理
if not na(pH) and not na(pL) and pH == pL
dev1 = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id2, isHigh2, isNew2] = pivotFound(dev1, true, iH, pH)
if isNew2
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh2
pLast := pH
dev2 = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id1, isHigh1, isNew1] = pivotFound(dev2, false, iL, pL)
if isNew1
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh1
pLast := pL
if not na(pH)
dev1 = calc_dev(pLast, pH)
[id, isHigh, isNew] = pivotFound(dev1, true, iH, pH)
if isNew
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh
pLast := pH
if not na(pL)
dev2 = calc_dev(pLast, pL)
[id, isHigh, isNew] = pivotFound(dev2, false, iL, pL)
if isNew
linesCount := linesCount + 1
isHighLast := isHigh
pLast := pL
// 追加箇所
zigzag = pLast[1]!=pLast ? pLast : na
plot( zigzag ,color=color.red ,offset=-1*floor(depth / 2) )
plot( isHighLast ? 1 : 0 )
// ジグザグが発生したときのジグザグの値を取得
x = valuewhen(zigzag, zigzag, 4)
a = valuewhen(zigzag, zigzag, 3)
b = valuewhen(zigzag, zigzag, 2) //3つ前
c = valuewhen(zigzag, zigzag, 1) //前々回
d = valuewhen(zigzag, zigzag, 0) //前回
fib_range = abs(d-c)
fib_0000 = not showFib0000 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.000):d+(fib_range*0.000)
fib_0236 = not showFib0236 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.236):d+(fib_range*0.236)
fib_0382 = not showFib0382 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.382):d+(fib_range*0.382)
fib_0500 = not showFib0500 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.500):d+(fib_range*0.500)
fib_0618 = not showFib0618 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.618):d+(fib_range*0.618)
fib_0764 = not showFib0764 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*0.764):d+(fib_range*0.764)
fib_1000 = not showFib1000 ? na : d > c ? d-(fib_range*1.000):d+(fib_range*1.000)
plot(title='Fib 0.000' ,series=fib_0000 ,offset=-1*floor(depth/2) ,color=fib_0000 != fib_0000[1] ? na : color.black)
plot(title='Fib 0.236' ,series=fib_0236 ,offset=-1*floor(depth/2) ,color=fib_0236 != fib_0236[1] ? na : color.red)
plot(title='Fib 0.382' ,series=fib_0382 ,offset=-1*floor(depth/2) ,color=fib_0382 != fib_0382[1] ? na : color.olive)
plot(title='Fib 0.500' ,series=fib_0500 ,offset=-1*floor(depth/2) ,color=fib_0500 != fib_0500[1] ? na : color.lime)
plot(title='Fib 0.618' ,series=fib_0618 ,offset=-1*floor(depth/2) ,color=fib_0618 != fib_0618[1] ? na : color.teal)
plot(title='Fib 0.764' ,series=fib_0764 ,offset=-1*floor(depth/2) ,color=fib_0764 != fib_0764[1] ? na : color.blue)
plot(title='Fib 1.000' ,series=fib_1000 ,offset=-1*floor(depth/2) ,color=fib_1000 != fib_1000[1] ? na : color.black)
ドルインデックス DXY
ユーロインデックス EXY
円インデックス JXY
ポンドインデックス BXY
カナダドルインデックス CXY
スイスフランインデックス SXY
豪ドルインデックス AXY
ニュージーランドインデックス ZXY